Behold the demons that I freed

Apr 23, 2009 11:01

There. Young bucks with a desire so deep and intense that its unravelling would be a feast. Desire courses in their very veins. They are ours to take, ours to feed from, ours to exhaust as they shudder with want beneath our hand.

The two young men, dressed in smocks with the arcade's logo on the back, froze when Thomas' eyes fell upon them, their most basic instincts warning of danger. When all he did was smile, they relaxed and a spark of excitement shot through the blond on the left. He tugged at his friend's sleeve and whispered something urgently and Thomas' smile deepened. He could taste their excitement, their sheer potential even as a shiver of confused attraction ran through the brunet's mind.

Their emotions, malleable and shifting like quicksilver, was too tempting to resist and Thomas slipped away from the others to approach the two like some predatory angel. "Hello," he said with a voice like silk and honey. "Josh and Adam, is it? Is there something we can help you with?" Both young men swallowed hard and their eyes flickered between Thomas and the cameras.

"You're from that show, aren't you?" the blond, his nametag proclaiming him Adam, squeaked out. "You're the actor that plays the vampire who doesn't drink blood."

Young, ignorant bucks. See how they try to hang on to their illusions when you are there in the flesh, a predator promising every physical pleasure possible. See how blind they are, how ready to be taken. They will feed us, their lust dark and intoxicating like wine. Their pleasure will feed us with its intensity and we will leave our mark on their very souls. They will be ours. They will come to us with a thought, begging for the release we can provide. They will give themselves wholly to us and we will drain them dry.

"Call me Thomas." Guiding them to face away from the others, Thomas set an arm on each of their shoulders. Physical contact made their emotions stronger and Thomas stroked their curiosity, letting it hum with desire and recklessness. "Would you like to talk somewhere away from the cameras?"


In the back room, the cameras gone, Josh and Adam grew more nervous even as they were drawn irresistibly to Thomas. "So why does your character not drink blood?" Josh stammered. "Do you have a thing with the corn syrup fake stuff?"

"Or are you one of those people who get distracted by the idea?" Adam jumped in. "Who can't think straight because the idea of blood is so--" The way Adam fell into utterly embarrassed silence made clear exactly how he found blood distracting.

"What makes you so certain I'm an actor?" Thomas murmured, an amused smile on his lips as he ran a finger slowly up Josh's arm. "Is it so difficult to believe things like incubi exist when your entire body trembles because it knows something is different?" The air was already crackling with curiosity and desire, and it only grew stronger as Thomas let his eyes sweep over Adam's throat. "And blood can be... stimulating. Just because I don't need it like the others doesn't mean I have no interest."

They are weak and ripe for the taking. Young bucks full of their own self-importance, their concern for only their own lust. They are ours to devour, to reduce to mewling submission. They will learn what it means to need, to want, to have. Satisfy their desires and be filled up. Look, they know in their hearts that they will never be the same, that you will be all they desire, that any pleasure that comes after this will be paultry and unsatisfying. Take them. Use them. Empty them and discard them like the insignificant animals they are.

His arms still around both of them, Thomas turned to Josh and kissed him, all crashing lips and demands until the other man quivered beneath his lips. At the same time, his arm snaked down into Adam's pockets to pull out the pocket knife he knew he would find. Tracing the closed blade against Adam's jaw, Thomas could feel desire redoubled and knew that both men were completely within his control, wrapped in a cocoon of silken lust, so bound by helpless desire that they would tear each other apart if he merely whispered the suggestion.

And the Hunger gloried in it.


Josh rested in the corner, his eyes glazed and shuddering with a mewling echo of remembered ecstasy as he drew breath. Adam, the blond, stood stock still and trembled like a leaf as Thomas pressed the blade against his flesh. Desire throbbed through every fiber of Adam's body, unsatisfied. It was only the promise of that eventual satisfaction that kept the man from swooning, and the Hunger drank deep, urging Thomas to postpone the man's release as it had its fill.

Still, there was only so much the human body could take, and Thomas ran his hand over Adam's bare body, tracing the rivulets of dried blood that ran like primitive tattoos down his sides. His clothes were somewhere in the storeroom. Possibly pillowed behind Josh's head
.Thomas' hand stroked Adam with long, practiced strokes as the other hand turned the knife, letting the blade bite into skin. He steered clear of the major arteries, but close enough to them that the young man could not help but be aware of how close they were. With a firm hand, Thomas sliced open flesh in a shallow wound. Blood, like a necklace of dark, glistening rubies, welled up in the knife's wake, filling the air with an unmistakeable metallic tang. As Thomas withdrew the knife, Adam shuddered, gasping and keening. He spilled himself on the bare floor and fell to his knees, shaking and shuddering. Flecks of blood fell on Thomas' hand but he ignored them as he stepped over the spent young man and let himself out of the room.

They are ours now. Young bucks with too much curiosity and unbridled lust, our mark scoured into their flesh, their minds, their very souls. They will never forget our touch and they will come when we call. We will drink them dry and dance with their life singing in our veins.

Thomas didn't look back.

night 18, scene, [rwb], nsfw

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