Sep 09, 2005 21:49
yes hello there fuckers i would like to start by just saying this has no real point but a said atempt to make myself feel beter
you know how pople all ways are saying how the miss the old days but fuck them cause i really do i mean its true i miss every thing form the pointless nights of just hanging out with the guys or god forbid we did some thing
this wholeing up and growing apart is fucking killing me i know im at falt by far cause i still live at home and other resons i dont get out at all and i fucking hate it i mean i wish every thing was back to the same as it was before we all grew up and fell apart
i think shit like this will lead to my down fall....
now i know like 2 people read this thing so this my not aply
but for all the people that i have hurt or/and fucked over im sorry i know yall dont think so but its true and i wish i chould go back and fix my fuck up but i cant so thats about all i can really say
on a diffrent note : if i can get my shots and shit done im going to go down and help out with the red cross vet staff down in new orleans for like 2 weeks taking care of pets and other animals in the area and i really hope i will be able to cause it is some thing i would really like to do one of thegirls i work with will be going down with me or part of another "team" and i think it is the lest i can try to do to help
thats all .;....;.;.;.;.;.;. miss yall dearly