Jul 16, 2011 14:49
[ Action: One can imagine Cable's surprise upon waking up and being delegated a new career path. He... finds it more amusing than anything, really. From world-renowned savior and pariah, leader of a peaceful nation getting immigration requests... to being a plumber. He's not one to not appreciate something like that. That said, he will predictably be making the rounds to houses in need of plumbing work. He's not entirely sure what he's doing, but by god he'll try. If not located working (or being hit up in non-working hours), he'll be making general town rounds for the sake of thinking and avoiding the phone- streets, the library, the park in particular.
And later on, when picking up the receiver to do his usual share of silent conversation stalking, event things happen and isn't that just marvelous?
Phone: ]
Given a choice between Mayfield and home, all unusual happenings taken into account... I'd rather not go back.
But the choice wouldn't be much of a choice, in the end; I would be needed, and I would still go.
[ ...damn it. In that case, clearly time to add while he's here: ] Wade. I would appreciate it if you stayed away from me for the time being. I'm already regretting this.
all the truth: all of it,
tagging: of the slow variety,
level 3-4