Fundamental Characteristics

Feb 13, 2008 12:15

I've been thinking and I've come to a solid conclusion about one thing in general about people.

Walking the avenue of life there seems to be one great divide between me and the rest of the world. It started back in elementary school. I noticed that alot of kids took pleasure in hurting other children. It could take shape with boys picking on other boys, fighting, or girls laughing cutely as they watched the torment going on. I know girls pick on other girls too, it's just that they tend to have a different tact and I was not subjected to much visibility of it. I was lucky in that I was rarely the object of this behavior...but I watched around me as others took part or were taken advantage of. I was a shy boy and would never dream of picking on or hurting anyone else. Even then, I knew it was an obvious wrong that I could never commit. It was not even an option really. Being in my mid thirties now I realize that these same patterns still hold true in some facet. The tactics may have changed but the game still remains the same. I could not stomach the behavior then and I'm even less fond of it now.

If anyone on my short friends list was or is one of those people who enjoyed this stuff I think it best that you unfriend me now and spare me the disappointment in the long run.

I'll never understand what is so wonderful about hurting other people. Even if they suck, I still don't get enjoyment from watching them suffer. Granted I may care less than I would for a person who is relatively good and kind. I've been on a difficult road over the past four years and I've been flown at and deliberately hurt by others who got off on it. My tolerance for this fundamental flaw in people is forever low.

So, f-off to all those people....past - present - and future.
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