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Jan 31, 2005 21:02

Hi everone. I just want to say that God loves you!! Have you ever felt like you have this connection with someone?? The person is far away and you can't talk to them or see them?? Well thats the way I've felt. The person is miles and miles away over the ocean. I can't talk to them or see them. But finally I did I talk to them. Well through email. It was great to hear from him. To hear that he was fine. I can't wait to see him and talk to him in person. But then I get to thinking is it ok for me to want this? I mean sometimes I feel as though I want to see him more than God.

God is so much better than this world. Why would I put Him second. He made me. He loves me more than I will ever know and understand. He is more than I will ever need. He leads me through everthing and when I leave Him for some stupid reason He is still there for me. Right there helping me. He forgives me for my sins. He sent his Son to die on the cross so I could spend eternity with Him. Man He is so awesome. I love Him. I thank God for keeping him safe. I pray that God continues to keep him safe. I pray that I continue to grow in my walk with God. I also pray to God for you.
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