May 01, 2006 03:24
Once tagged, you MUST write an entry about 6 wierd habits you have and state this rule clearly. Pick 6 people at the end of the tag and list their names.
1. I alphabetize my 500+ DVDs and 600+ CDs and if I notice one out of order I look through all of them and re organize immediately.
2. If I notice that the floor I am walking on is tile, then I walk on the tiles in the manner of a knight in chess. Hence I try not to pay attention to what type of floor I'm walking on.
3. If I do something I regret, I will play the image of myself doing said act over and over in my mind and often will say what I'm thinking out loud. (My brother got weirded out by it the other day when out of no where I just yelled out "SON OF A BITCH!")
4. If I find a video game that I honestly enjoy, I cannot quit playing until I have beaten the game and unlocked all special features or else I will have trouble sleeping. (I put in back to back 15+ hour days of Kingdom Hearts 2 when I first started playing)
5. If I want a kiss from my g/f I will whimper until my wish is granted.
6. I drink shots of tequilla 2 at a time. I don't drink double shots, just 2 seperate shots at the same time.
1. Amanda I.
2. Jenn
3. Garret
4. Liz
5. Katie
6. Laura