Missing Weekend!?!

May 31, 2004 21:31

SOooooo......haven't posted for a while. Not a lot happened for most of last week, went to the pics on Wednesday with Dave and Sharon to watch 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind'....was wierd, but pretty damn good in a romantic way (I'm such a softy!) Left the Cinema feeling really alone in the sense that I couldn't be with someone I loved and be close to them.
Was Pretty funny in the pics 'coz Clayton, Daniele and some mate of Claytons turned up too but we ended up going in late 'coz they were bust smoking a spliff outside.....they only stayed for about 3/4 of an hour. I think they're heads were getting a bit fucked, I cn see how that'd be confusing when you're stoned....then again it would probably have been pretty complicated for them sober. :-P

Anywhooooo, highlight of my week was my date with Pam, after last week we arranged to meet up on Friday, met in Nero in Liverpuddle and stayed there for about 4 hours, that was kinda both good and bad. I liked just sitting there with her, problem is that's pretty much all I did for most of it....I was my usual not so chatty self! :-( Took me over 3 hours to actually get around to kissing her. Soooo glad I did in the end. I think (and I don't blame her) she was getting seriously pissed off at me and was nearly gonna call the whole thing off. I think she changed her mind once I perked up and started trying to find her ticklish spots.
Later went to the 'Walkabout' bar on Concert sqaure and eventually got around to asking her out! :-)

Went to the K on Sat (Pam and Jennie apparently weren't going 'coz they were going to Southport for the weekend...but Pam had made it slightly obvious that she was 'secretly' planning on turning up at the K when she REPEATEDLY asked my what time I was turning up at the K and if I was DEFINATELY going....wouldn't have matterd if she wasn't going would it???
That was fun.

Me and Tim decided to go to the K wearing suits (it was fancy dress night after all) and I think we pulled it off pretty damn well. We both looked pretty damn smart and cool ;-) Pam seemed to seriously like me in a suit anyway, might do it again sometime ;-) 'coz there's nothing like wearing a suit to make you feel good.
I had some SERIOUSLY FREAKY girl coming on to me at a later point in the night, big girl in a bra (yes that was all!) came over and (in a VERY put on gruff voice) asked me what star sign I was and then what date and then proclaimed that I was too sexy for her and walked away! ha ha ha :-O SCARY!!!

Met Pam, Jennie and Ian in the walkabout on Sunday for a drink, ended up going to Fudge >:-( Again I was my usual chatty self and left everything to the last minute before I left for home, but I think things worked out in the end when I livened up a bit and we texted each other a few times on the way home.

Planning on seeing 'The Day After Tomorrow' with Dave on Wednesday...will let you know how that goes.

[edit] GGoofyOOutrageousDDistinguishedLLuxuriousIIntelligentKKindEElitistDDelightfulEEccentricMMagicalOOverwhelmingNNaughty
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