Mar 23, 2011 16:25
My baby spiders came today.
I didn't tell you that I had ordered baby spiders? Well, I meant to. And they came in the mail today. I was really worried that they would die on the way here since it got cold again, but they're doing fine. Now I'm worried that I'm gonna do something stupid and they'll die, but this is normal for first time spider owners, I think.
I now have three baby spiders living in baby food jars on my kitchen counter. I've got Aphex Twin's SAW 2 to help them relax. This is so awesome. :3
If you're wondering what I named them and what kind they are, we've got Tesla (New River Rust Rump), Lovelace (Oklahoma Brown) and Marceline (Mexican Red Rump). And yes, I did name my spiders after Nikola Tesla, Ada Lovelace and Marceline the Vampire Queen (from Adventure Time) because I am a huge nerd.
I'll get some photos up eventually, but I'll need a decent camera for that and I don't have a decent camera.
Also, school was canceled today on account of there being too much snow, so I got the day off. I was gonna stay home anyway because my back has been hurting so bad, and yesterday I could barely sit up for longer than 30 minutes (I'm going to the doctor for this Friday), so things worked out well.