Misaki's Journal of Past Notes

Jul 25, 2011 19:08

[The following is kept in a leather journal on her desk at Strife Delivery. It is full of notes, letters, photographs, and transcriptions of tapes which were on her upon arriving in the Underworld from Haibara Hospital.]

Dr. Asou's Masks Inquiry

On this island, there is a Kagura during the lunar eclipse.

On the day of the lunar eclipse, the minds of the living lean towards death, and the souls of the dead come forth from the Gate of the Underworld.

The moon symbolizes the soul on this island, and it is thought that the lunar eclipse eats away at the soul.

In the literature I read, it mentioned a mask called the "Mask of the Lunar Eclipse" that was once used in the festival of this island.

There is some very old, fragmented literature about the black mask that caused the disaster, the Day Without Suffering, long ago.

I tried asking the head of an influential island family about it, but he wouldn't tell me anything, and his facial expression was one of terrible fright.

On this island, touching that mask is considered serious taboo.

Even though it's risky to offend the islanders, I want to see it with my own eyes, to examine it myself.

Perhaps it is a powerful clue which will lead to the Other World.

Dr. Asou's Note

This prototype Camera Obscura, as proof of our research, is entrusted to descendants of the Asou family.

This is the first successful copy of the Camera Obscura that I've thought of as a strong example of my work, the first solid step toward conclusive evidence of the theory of my predecessor and I.

It hasn't been attempted, but my theory that images of the dead may be sealed inside the film is feasible.

However, Shinto priests and shrine maidens are sensitive to spirits, and it has a strong effect on them.

The prohibition of its use is expected.

2nd Floor Nurse's Log 1

The children keep playing pranks, opening and closing the door to the Second Floor ward.

The door's release code is periodically changed, but it somehow keeps getting leaked.

It seems that the "Password Game", as they call it, is becoming popular with the children.

In the game, the door's release code is written somewhere. A hint is given, and they make a game of searching for it...

They were given a harsh scolding, and please note that the Director has said to be more careful with the Management Office's door in the future.

If the door is opened, I fear that the patients may wander away.

To prevent an incident like that from happening again, if you see the code scribbled anywhere please erase it.

2nd Floor Nurse's Log 2

July 19

Today's report.
It's about Ayako from Room 207 again.

Around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, I heard Madoka crying and hurried over to her. Her pet canary had had its head cut off with scissors.

Ayako stood there, holding the bloodied scissors.

It was obvious what she had done.

She just kept laughing, despite our scolding. It was as though she had no second thoughts about it.

Her mischief is going too far, and it's not just the inability to distinguish right from wrong. Beginning with Madoka,
I'm beginning to worry that the influence Ayako is having on the other children isn't good. Even with the Director involved,
I haven't been able to devise an effective treatment for her.

Second Floor Room Assignment List

Occupants in Rougetsu Hall as of August 1970.

Room 203 - Haraezuki (Month of Purity)
Madoka Tsukimori

Special notes:
The patient shows introverted behaviours, and we believe another patient of her age is bullying her. Please keep an eye on her.

Room 204 - Ingetsu (Month of Shadows)
Iori Aiba

Special notes:
Previous to the death of Ms. Hinuma, the patient was to be moved to Haibara Hospital proper. However, she confined herself in her room and refused to leave.
We were required to exercise force in moving the patient. Be prepared in case of further infractions.

Room 205 - Ugetsu (Month of Rain)
Yoriko Sonohara

Special notes:
As there is no reaction when she looks in the mirror, she is not yet Budding. However, her emotions and actions are very unstable due to the deterioration
of her memories caused by the Luna Sedata Syndrome. Please monitor her carefully.

Room 206 - Shougetsu (Month of Focus)
Kazuto Amaki

Special notes:
Patient has developed kleptomaniac tendencies. Please make a report if you find anything. Reclaiming the stolen property will anger him unnecessarily,
but if you ask him politely, he won't resist and will return the items.

Room 207 - Rangetsu (Month of Orchids)

Special notes:
Strongly aggressive personality. Her cruel pranks often cause issues and injuries for the staff, including several knife lacerations to a nurse's ear.
Please monitor each person carefully.

Notice "Hospitalized Patients"

Note to all employees

A new patient, Ayako, will be admitted to Room 207 of the Rougetsu Hall this weekend.

Ayako is being referred by Dr. Haibara, therefore we want to exercise the utmost care to make her stay at our institution as pleasant as possible.

Everybody please treat Ayako with the greatest consideration.

Female Patient's Note

When you see this, I will no longer be in this world.

When my mother gave birth to me, she died, in order to let me live, to protect me.

My father and my brother died in an accident, to protect me.

What kept me alive after their deaths is the memory I have of them, and the terrible guilt I feel for still being alive.

This illness is robbing me of even that.

The family that only exists in my memory is being slowly killed off. I can't take it anymore, living while slowly losing the memories of those people who were dearest to me.

Still the most frightening thing is losing the guilt I feel.

I am not afraid of killing my family once again.

I will leave this world, with what little memories I have left.

As long as I am still me.

Black Notebook

I asked Ayako about the girls in the files that I sent for.

Of all the girls in the files that she knows, Ayako likes Madoka best. "A toy with a beautiful color inside," she said.

The girl called Ruka has almost become broken, but it seems that she has not been permanently damaged.

Because her sensitivity to sound is so high, even after trying so many things, it is not too late.

The Lunar Melody that has been passed down since ancient times still remains on this island. What would happen if I made her hear that song?

Transferring the ancient musical score to a modern one is strenuous, but it will be a lead to make out the necessary musical phrases. Maybe this is a

Ayako said that she doesn't like Misaki, the one with the sharp sixth sense, because Ayako doesn't understand how she knows things.

The girl dressed in black who is always with them, she doesn't like her either.

Ayako hates her for disturbing her while playing with her "toys", it seems.

Anyway, Misaki and my sister have the same psychic abilities.

This girl...
this body...

It seems like they will be useful.

Rougetsu Kagura Video Archive

I have seen a few extracts compiled of the film.
If we are not careful, someone will probably notice, and if this gets out there will be trouble.

Ayako took it and seems to find it amusing, but make arrangements to discard it when she becomes tired of it.

Fourth Floor Isolation Ward Report 1

This woman in the Fourth Floor Isolation Ward.

It's really embarassing, but I can't remember her face.

She left a strong impression on me, but...

I don't remember her.
I can't remember her face at all.

In other cases at work, this doesn't happen to me.
I can immediately remember any patient's face and name.

It's only with that one patient I can't remember.

When I think of her eyes, staring out at me, hiding a warped and disturbed mind behind them, I feel like I am gradually beginning to lose myself.

She enjoys messing around with the tuner on the radio...

What do I do?
What affairs am I really in charge of on the Fourth Floor?

I don't think I'm qualified for the Fourth Floor.
Please consider changing my position.

Thank you.

Fourth Floor Isolation Ward Report 2

Yesterday again, I saw Misaki carrying a doll. It seems Sakuya has handed over her own doll to Misaki.

Those two are diagnosed as having strong predispositions to being spirit mediums. They have sharp spiritual sense, and can easily become "possessed".

It is dangerous for two spirit mediums to meet each other.

When the mental condition of one of them is satisfactory, then, coincidentally, it may be that the other one's mental condition stabilizes.
However, when one of them is unstable, both of them are at once at a risk of the Getsuyuu Syndrome worsening. Her current condition is particularly
worrisome now that it affects Misaki.

Please keep a watchful eye on Misaki to make sure they do not meet.

Fourth Floor Isolation Ward Report 3

Why won't you let me ✻✻ her!?

How many times has she called for me, dragged me further and further in!?

Find her, find her! Go to her and you'll understand.

She might already be different!

Her face changes, changes while staying the same. Can't you feel her drawing me in?!

Calling me! Calling me!
Calling me! Calling me!
Calling me! Calling me!

Fourth Floor Room Assignment Table

Occupants in Rougetsu Hall as of August 1970.

Room 412 Isolation Room - Hyougetsu (Month of Ice)

The fourth floor ward is only the isolation room.

Special notes:
The patient within is in a dangerous state.
If the condition worsens or she becomes confused, please contact the Director immediately.

Due to the nature of her condition, calling her by name or allowing her to stare at her face is prohibited.

In regards to concerns brought up following the death of a nurse several days ago, please do not interfere with her treatment process. If you begin to
feel uneasy, depressed, or show signs of anxiety while tending to her, please discontinue nursing her.

The door to the ward from the Management Office has been blocked by a solid, reinforced iron door.
I remind staff that this door must be locked at all times.

The master key should not be used in the Isolation Ward, so please be careful in this matter as well.

Letter to Madoka

Dear Madoka,

How are you?
Have you decided on a name for the canary I gave you?

I'm sorry for leaving you alone all the time, but I'm always thinking about you.

Take the crayons with you, okay?
You like drawing pictures, so I'm sure it will make you happy.

The doctor would also like it. He says that drawing pictures will help you get better.

So please draw.

I think it's very frightening that you are forgetting so many things, but Madoka, you are from the Tsukimori family, so the moon will always protect you.

That's why there is no need to worry.
Do exactly as Dr. Haibara says and be a good girl for mother.

I'll come check up on you again soon.

Love, your Mother

Madoka's Diary

August 9th

Evening - It's bedtime but...
If I can't sleep, I start to get scared.

It's dark.
I can see my face in the window.

When I see my face in the window, it looks strange.

My eyes look strange.
My nose looks strange.
My mouth looks strange.

My head feels strange.

I want to get rid of Ayako, but if I do I feel like I'll lose something.

That's why, I hope I can sleep tonight.

Ayako's Memo

That nurse came again today, to tell me I was too noisy.

When I made a little cut and pulled the scissors back, she gave an ugly howl.

I hated her ugly insides.

The things I like are much prettier.

Crushed insects,
Torn hands,
Wet, red flesh
The loud scream before they go still...

These pretty things will disappear soon.

Everyone else collects things that they think are pretty.

The doctor told me that collecting things I like helps my illness.

So I collect these
pretty things.
Collecting more and more.

Unless I collect these things,
the inside of me

(The letters after this are too messy to read.)

Madoka's Memo

I wonder if you met that child?

As a child, that special person
you always spoke of...

Even though I felt the I may only have been

a replacement,
a toy, for that


I was happy when I was in your house instead of her.

I was scared that you would remember her.

I was always scared.

But if you would only ever
see me,
if you would forget,
then I..would..be happy.

I'll return..to my room now.

You..will..also return..to your room
and return to that child.

It's okay to remember now.

it's okay

it's okay...

if we die together?

Kageri Sendou's Letter 1

I was born dead.

You were not.

Even though we had the same blood flowing through us, you were alive.

So you
lived...... to die.

If you could truly live while dying, the two of us could return to our small room. If it is possible to die without death,

without death...
like two halves of a closed shell.
Like the amaryllis flower,

without death...
continuing to bloom for eternity.

You are me.

You are me.


you became me.

I'm here where I'll go on blooming.

Kageri Sendou's Letter 2

Keep talking, please.
I'm not sure if I have forever.

But any words are good, even if they hurt.

How can I make you happy?
If you are lonely...

I am dying while still alive.

Please tell me that you will try to make friends?

Anybody will do.

Will you go and search for someone today?

Like that girl who

peeked into this room?


destroy her

Kaoru Sendou's Notes

I thought that all this would end if I could accept your feelings.
Back then, when you pushed me in the back, even though it was on purpose it's okay.

Even though I can't walk, it's okay.

I forgive you for it all.

Because of me, you went into the darkness.

I must accept that the darkness inside you will not leave.

...I understand that wherever I hide, you will continue to look for me.

No matter where.

Wherever I escape to, you will never give up.

So, the only way

is to pray that the light shines into your darkness.

Torn Memo

What happened?
Who was that man outside?

His face was
all messed up.

Help me, You!

It's so noisy outside.

The face looks like a cracked egg
like a smashed butterfly
like an opened stomach

Such a messed up face...
After looking at that face,
inside my head,
it got S O N O I S Y.
Until I get all messed up, I'll wait here.


wa it

wa it


th er

Patient's Note

It was yesterday.

It felt as if a mass of black insects were slowly crawling around beneath my skin. It was agony, unbearable, but then I saw the moon.

The pain melted away and I reached up into the moonlight to try and let it touch every part of me.

I was on the rooftop, on the verge of climbing over the handrail.

Had I gone one step further, I would have died... At the time though, I felt only curiosity and relief, no fear at all.

On the evening of a full moon, it feels like I can do anything!

Even if it hurts the person I love, I can choose to live or die. Everything is permitted under the moonlight, and everything is accepted the following day.

At those times, that's how I feel.

That's why I don't want to be allowed to go outside on the night of the full moon.

I don't want to be drawn to it and start to lose my sanity again.

I can't look at the sea when the moon is out. I can't visit the roof. I can't try to touch or reach out to the moon.

All that I know is that three people have already thrown themselves from the roof on the night of the full moon.

Will I end up following them into the abyss..?

Old Research

Many of the inventions are based on the theory that special.......of benefit,
to be handled.......that requires attention.

Here,.......usefulness was concluded, and the treatment.......written down.

The Spirit Stone Flashlight returns the memory of patients suffering with
Getsuyuu Syndrome.......moonlight
made, collecting the moonlight, lost
memories are recalled by its light.

The treatment forced Blooming.......and
its effect

The Spirit Stone Radio.......using a crystal,
can.......a special frequency
called residual thoughts
namely hearing the requests of the dead

However, it is strongly thought
chagrin.......and voiced resentment
hear a person's mind and body.......eats away at


Spirits are visible with the Camera Obscura,

and machine.

The.......was handled with spiritual intuition


(The rest has rotted away and is impossible to read)

Assistant's Note 1

The other day, a nurse committed suicide.
She called the patient in the Isolation Ward a "faceless person".

For some reason, she suddenly ran into the Isolation Ward and committed suicide in front of the patient.

There were indications that she had been hysterical recently.

But scared or not, I don't know why she went to see the patient in the first place.
I had noticed how she had been walking around the metal bars without any purpose.
When we discovered the nurse, the room was in a mess, but the patient just sat on her bed as always. Smiling.

For some reason, I too can't recall the patient's face clearly.
There was a similar case before, where a different nurse got scared.

I am wondering if instead of keeping the patient in, these bars are to prevent anyone from going to see her?

Assistant's Note 2

About the patient in the Fourth Floor Isolation Ward.

I'll do another observation today, but I think her condition is hopeless.

When a woman has a psychic disposition like hers, with a sharp spiritual sense, then contracts Getsuyuu Syndrome, they often suffer from significantly
more severe symptoms.

She's probably a prime example.
Her mind is heading toward certain collapse.

She chooses to maintain herself only with a doll.
Her habit of holding dolls is a means of calming herself.
This is because she is in need of a "spiritual vessel" to reflect her inner self.

The method of using a doll as a representation of one's self to help the patient understand confused memories might be employable to other patients as well.

However, the doll's effect is only temporary and has only slightly delayed the collapse.

The Director is working eagerly to find a cure, but many methods have already been tried.

Any further treatment may do little more than simply torment her.

Chart: Misaki Asou 1

Name: Misaki Asou
Age: 7
Room: 310 - "Kamisarizuki" (Month the Gods Leave)

It seems questionable whether the patient has Budded or not. Her memory impairment is becoming significantly worse, her self recognition is
becoming more vague, and when she sees herself in the mirror, she is terrified. As soon as the characteristic symptoms of advanced Luna Sedata become
obvious, she'll be diagnosed with Luna Sedata Syndrome. The disease is rapidly progressing and is becoming severe.

In this patient's case, it is clear that the progression of her Luna Sedata is related to the psychic disposition of the patient in Room 412, Hyougetsu.

It is extremely difficult to cure patients in whom the onset occurs before the ages of 10-12. It appears very likely that living conditions will have a
strong impact on her psychologically. Everyone should thoroughly observe her condition and record it in detail.

Special notes:
An experimental schedule of treatment for the patient in 412 has been decided. The treatment of the patient in 412 may potentially lead to a clue in
curing this disease.

Additional note:
She has a strong attachment to Miya, who tends to stabilise her condition, so we request that they not be separated unreasonably.

Chart: Misaki Asou 2

Name: Misaki Asou
Age: 7
Room: 310 - Kamisarizuki

Getsuyuu Syndrome is still present to an extent.
The patient has been showing signs of recovery but due to her predisposition to being a spiritual medium, the medical treatment is more difficult than
was expected.

It has been decided to completely restrict Misaki's contact with the Isolation Ward patient. Refraining from letting the two encounter one another will
prevent further deterioration.

It is urgent that we decide on a further course of treatment.

Chart: Misaki Asou 3

Name: Misaki Asou
Age: 7
Room: 310 - Kamisarizuki

A week has passed since the failed Kiraigou.

By giving as little external stimulus as possible, the conditions of the Kanade have stabilised as a result of the moonlight pouring in from above.

However, Sakuya's condition is extremely unstable, like something connected only by a strand of thin skin.

Anything could cause the condition to suddenly change. A small shock might lead to a mental breakdown... She is likely to Bloom.

I don't know what will cause it. Sounds, smells, words, the phases of the moon... There are many things I don't know about it yet.

However, the memories from before the Kiraigou and of the ceremony itself have a high possibility of causing instability.

Additional notes:
During observation, there are times where she will repeatedly pat her cheeks.

This is noted as a former habit, so her memory may not be totally erased.

Diagnosis Record of Misaki Asou: Transcription

Assistant: The tape is rolling.

Doctor: How are you feeling?

Misaki Asou: Am I... like my big sister? She said that we're the same. We're mediums, she said.

Doctor: I see... That's right. It's okay. There's nothing to worry about.

Misaki Asou: Yes! If we stay together, she said I'll become more like her. Right?

Doctor: Shall we try then?

Assistant: Yes...

Treatment Guideline for Misaki Asou

Misaki Asou's treatment guidelines.

Patients with psychic abilities are, unlike other patients, predisposed to a weak self-awareness.
Furthermore, there are cases where they switch their personalities to somebody else's.

The Director ordered that the experimental treatment shall be conducted on a patient of such a condition in the fourth floor's special Isolation Ward
in order to explore new treatment methods.

I have learned that prior to the treatment of the patient in the Isolation Ward, and experimental treatment was conducted elsewhere, but since that
patient's condition is only worsening, the outcome of the therapy is extremely questionable.

Since the current treatment with alternative methods has not yielded a cure, shouldn't the treatment be returned to medication to stop the progress
of this hopeless condition?

My Old Diary

I'm not allowed to meet with my big sister anymore.
I always get scolded.

By my big sister, by anyone...
Despite that, I feel good.

Even when I'm broken, I feel good, it's a strange and completely different feeling.

Miya's voice puts me in a good mood whenever I hear it. But she said that soon I can't see her anymore. I don't want to be lost again!

When she's not here I really feel so confused that I can't stand it at all.

But Miya tells me that Misaki is Misaki.

Because Miya exists, I'm okay!

Miya is special to me, and stays beside me.

Mi means sea, ya means night.
And we will always be together.

Torn Part of My Diary

I am falling apart,

I am falling apart,

and it feels good.

Sometimes, old things fall apart
and sometimes new things do too.

New toys, too.

The Misaki in the mirror is also

falling apart.

It feels good. Falling apart feels good.

But ✻✻✻✻ came.
✻✻✻✻ is special.

✻✻✻✻ is special, so
it feels even better.
✻✻✻✻ is special, so...

Being together. Always being together.

Being together with ✻✻✻✻ makes me get better.

It would be good if we all got better soon.

If so, we could all play outside again.

Fragment of Unsent Letter

The island has records of Dr. Kunihiko Asou's visit in the Meiji period. It seems he invented many things to communicate with the "Spirit World",
but the extent of their effect is in doubt. Currently, Kunihiko Asou's inventions are regarded as pseudoscience and are not recognised at all.

I studied Dr. Asou's book which talks about the many masks of the island. It is an enquiry into the masks, erractic and fragmented, but daring and

According to Dr. Asou's enquiry, the island's masks were made to affect the mind of the wearer. For example, when you look at the face of a smiling man,
you become happy. It is human nature to adapt to what is seen. (Dr. Asou noted that emotions are shared by expressions.)

This island's masks, though exquisite, are not meant to control the emotions of people that are seen. He said that the moon represents the inner self,
like one aspect of a person's mental state. A girl Dr. Asou saw, who had never played a flute before, began to play one after she put on a mask.

He also talked about the masks seemingly unconsciously stimulating areas of the brain and playing the role of recording memory. The story about how the
masks store memories is interesting.

In a further enquiry, Dr. Asou shared his experiences with the masks (on something like a radio), which he wrote down.

The ultimate experience to share is the experience of death... but no point can be reached to which it can be sufficiently enjoyed.

Dr. Asou was inspired to make special parts and films for the Camera Obscura using the island's techniques and paints.

This Camera Obscura was put in the Asou Museum and it has such a presence in literature that I would truly love to see it.

Moon-Reflection Well Ritual

o become the perfect Vessel, one must be purified within the Birth Chamber.

To be purified is to have confidence that their spirit shall return to the body.

Training within the Birth Chamber means to forget oneself, to be at one, at peace. To be pure is to understand the shape of the soul.

The spirit of the dead must never return, and leave behind the empty shell of the body.

When the empty soul returns to the living body, the body must Bloom.

The moonlight is the river of the spirits of the dead. The Moon-Reflection Well fills with light, and is the reservoir to accommodate the spirits within.

The empty bodies have lost their selves.

They shall bathe in the moonlight of the well.

Those who have lost their selves will never again return.

Sakuya's Diary 1

Because I am

inside the


Even when I forget about myself

The I inside the doll

can answer for me

I can be



What is my name?


the answer..could...come back

The doll's inside...me.....it's within

the child..inside..me

goes insane


inside of me

I can...hear

the growing children

The sound

of..the awakening

The soul





Sakuya's Diary 2

The person who ushers the souls

people eating away at my own sound


I don't want..to

know...your pain


Misaki won't be like me

A world without sound

A world without sound




my sound

Sakuya's Diary 3

A peaceful sound

This... is this the

last sound

that..I'll hear?

People's souls..are


But so many sounds are..echoing...that

I cannot hear

The day of the end...nears

I have no memories


But..that good

sound returned..to me..for a moment





Suicide Woman's Note

I'm so sorry.

I am...dying before you.

It's my body's fault,
because I become
so easily possessed.

I'm....so incredibly frustrated.

Why does my possessed rampage have to hurt everyone?

At that time I was unconscious

What was I doing? What happened?
Everything was...black...to me.

It.....hurt me,

but because I had you,

I was able to endure this pain.

But because of Getsuyuu Syndrome,

the memories of you, the only ones that can
help,...are flickering.

It's already...being lost from my memory.
There is...no way to endure this pain.

If the only memories of this illness..are of pain,

how much of Sakuya's mind

is it possible....to save?

Our daughter is..like me

she suffers..just like I do,

and tastes the same pain of loss.


protect our daughter.

The moon..is..growing brighter


I am truly.....sorry.


will guide me,

as I give up this body.

*past notes, *underworldwars

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