Wow! So I was looking through my ex's photo gallery today and I had an amazing epiphany.
It went something to this effect:
"I don't care anymore."
More exactly, I've realized after almost two years of having not seen nor heard from her, that she is still and for the most part always has been a hateful bitch to me. I also realized while looking at her work that her photography is shitty and uninspired. While she possesses technical ability, she lacks the creativity to utilize it properly. To quote a friend of mine : "the manray reproduction pisses me off...its manray! and if ur gonna rip him off do it well" (For those of you not familiar, here is what I'm talking about: )
And while I admit I certainly made more than my share of mistakes, it's rather childish to continue avoiding someone two years after the fact. But all this has culminated into my said epiphany, and like I said: I don't care anymore.
It feels wonderful to say it too.
I feel so happy, and slightly evil at the same time.
I'm planning to go to Philly with my best friend this friday and it'll be great do go down there unmoved by past memories of her, but rather just going and making new memories with my friends.
I assume some of this may get back to her, and that's fine too. It doesn't matter what she thinks of me anymore.
Well, now that I'm done sounding slightly nuts with happiness, I think I shall go and enjoy doing my homework outside in the beautiful summer weather!