
Aug 21, 2004 14:23

snagged from Leslie (hope that is ok)

First Gig: BSB (yeah i was on a concert.. and it was fun)
Last: Christina Aguilera
Next: Anastacia
Best: Christina
Worst: none
Like to see: hmm Pink

have a pet? a cat ..had a rabbit.. but she died
prefer city or suburb? definitely suburb.
have a cell phone? yeah
drink coffee? yeah .. a lot.
love your parents? sometimes lol.
have a job? yes .. bilingual secretary
like your job? not really
sleep with music on? nope.
believe in fate? yes i do
believe in love at first sight? yes
prefer girls or boys? guys. altough most girls are really interesting :D
believe in god? well no... sometimes tough..
have tattoos, if so how many? none
have piercings, if so how many? 3 (you wanna know where?) :D
get popcorn at movies? sometimes.. not very often tough.
read the newspaper every day? no.. but instyle :D
eat three meals a day? hmm i dont eat breakfast.. so .. 2 meals and a snak at night lol
a vegetarian? no
like pickles? hmm yes
really hate britney? hate is the wrong word
wear a watch? yes
multilingual? yes.. german .. english.. italian
watch tv? a lot
want kids? sure .. maybe 2
spend too much time on the internet? lol... do i need to anser this?
have a car? yes
racist? not at all
do you wear sunglasses? if the sun is shining ..yes
religious? catholic .. on the paper
attend religious places of worship? nope
self concious? sometimes
look like anyone famous? lol a friend from ff told me i look like alyssa milano on a special pic.. it was a nice compliment .. bu it dont really think i look like her
sing in the shower? oh yeah (ask my boyfriend)
eat fast food? unfortunately yes ..too much
happy? sometimes

magazine or books? magazine
coke or pepsi? coke
last book you read? hmmm charmed or gilmore girls.. i´m, reading both at the moment .. just for fun.. the last "real" book was .. hmm something from anne rice
white, milk, or dark choclate? i like milk chocolate.
last thing you bought? a book and a DVD
butter or margarine? magarine
coffee or tea? coffee
cats or dogs? cats
pen or pencil? pens
been broken hearted? yeah
been skydiving? not yet
been to another country? yes
been in a car accident? a few
what do you do on halloween? hmm nothing match .. here in germany we dont celebrate it ..well at least not the way american do
last time you cried? last week i think
last time you brushed your teeth? this morning
last time you took a shower? last night
last song you loved? i love so much songs . its hard just to pick one

your favorite:
food? pizza, noodles
movies? chicago
season? spring,
music? pop / rock
non alcoholic drink? sprite, coke
color? pink, black
holiday? hmm dunno
city? hmmm dunno either
flower? roses ... yellow ones
shampoo? shmm schauma
salad dressing? yoghurt
animal? cats, rabbits.. all fluffy ones
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