Pretty normal day. I got up, got ready for school, watched Angel for thirty minutes, when to the grade school and waited on the bus. Got to school and got in my locker and realized I didn't have my binder, which had all my papers in and my planner so 1st period I got a violation. In 6th period, gym, I as usual tried to seem like I was participating so I don't fail the class. Gym sucks. I went to music and I swear to god I HATE my music teacher, and I (and the rest of the class) swear I think he's gay. He talks and acts like a girl. I was talkin so he called on me to give a freakin note which I guessed at but surprisingly got it right. Went to enrichment and suddenly became really hyper. I got in trouble like 50 times in the 45 minute second enrichment class because I wouldn't shut up. I went home, thought I missed my stop on the bus because I fell asleep but I didn't. Got home got on the computer, went to make an enter page for Primordia God King but kinda forgot about it after that. Went in my room and listen to music and read "And Then You Die" I'm only on chapter one but it seems like it'll be pretty good. Goofed off with my sis while she was trying to talk on the phone and messenger but that wasn't goin to well. Now I'm settin' here typing what is probably the longest lj post I've ever written and I'm gettin ready to go listen to music again.
[music| Down With the Sickness by Disturbed]
Edit:They should make a mood that says like death, just a thought.