May 27, 2009 18:57
Out of boredom I took that dating quiz that's been floating around. Lord knows why, I am married so dating ain't really relevant to my interests. It tells me I'm intellectual, funny, and liberal. Says 'Politics matters to you, and you aren't afraid to share your left-leaning views. You would never be caught voting for a conservative candidate.' Ok, intellectual is right, although I generally try not to go too much into that type of stuff with people who I know aren't intellectual (which is most people I know). Funny, yeah that' fine. Others may or may not like my sense of humor but it's certainly one of my central personality traits. Liberal? Uh... what the fuck?
I voted for Bush. Twice. And I don't regret it, his opponents really were so pathetic he was the best option. I consider Pelosi to be a rather talentless political hack with no ethics, huge ego, and perhaps minimal intelligence. Reid is just kinda there, like a VD you get used to. Sure, you'd like to be rid of it, but after awhile you just accept that's how things are and forget about it. I supported invading Iraq and I still think it was a good idea in theory, although we certainly did go out of our way to fuck everything all up there. Matthew Shepard shouldn't be a poster child for hate crime laws, he should be a poster child for why you don't pick up two strangers in a bar and go off with them to have sex. Gay, straight, who care? In the end it's just some slut killed because they were the town whore, about on the same level of morality and concern as a hooker getting murdered by her john. I don't understand why we haven't bombed anything in Iran that is larger than a breadbox yet. I do understand why we haven't done that to North Korea, although I'm not entirely sure it might not be worth it anyway. I definately believe we should do it to France, although perhaps just waiting till their immigrant population burns the place to the ground might be easier. Global warming is bullshit, and the idea is so full of shit that even it's supporters know it so they started calling it 'climate change' as if there was ever a period in the entire history of the earth that the climate didn't change. I think the entire enviromental movement can be summed up as a bunch of brainless slogan spewing morons who try telling me I should drive less just before hoping on a plane and flying across the ocean to join a meeting in how to reduce emissions. Fucking hypocritical morons and I'm hoping the Copenhagen Confrence serves salads with fresh Nightshade advertised as 'Containing all natural ingredients'. To honor the dead enviromental pussies memory we could recycle old Jim Jones and Heaven's Gate jokes.
Anyway, I just felt like pointless ranting for awhile. I think I'm done now. Consider this just a few random thoughts from a funny, intellectual, liberal.