Aug 03, 2005 22:23
So I have decided people who update their livejournals every day without fail HAVE NO LIFE. Haha i used to do it so its ok you guys but i've just realized all summer my life has been soooo busy, haha i kind of make it that way. I hate sitting at home so I find things to do, but tonight I desperately needed to do my laundry so I had no choice other then staying home and doing it.
Last night I spent the night at Ellen's, her Kat and I stayed up till like 5 talking about EVERYTHING you can possiblely imagine. Main thing we talked about was how we are about to be seniors and how scary that is. I mean while we want to soak up being hte oldest in the school and being ontop, applying to colleges and taking the SAT and knowing college is right around the corner is really scary! BAH!
So i've got my college choices down to 3, St. Thomas being my first choice but I KNOW i dont have the grades or the money to go there so that is just wishful thinking, SFA and Sam Houston are my other two choices, I want to go look at the campuses soon.
Other then stressing out I think senior year is going to ROCK! I'm excited already about ECP next year, if Tori isn't in the same period as me I want to run for president of FCCLA, haha i'm to scared to run agaisnt Tori though and I KNOW she is running. My mom emailed my new counselor and requested Mrs Hydes for BCIS for me and my counselor emailed me back and said that I had her and my counselor seems really really cool this year so i'm excited about that. Oh and Key Club is going to rock, Sarah and I wrote our first article the other day it was hard but i think it will get easier. English Dual.... im kinda scared about I got spoiled last year with Mr. Allen but I'm determined to have a good work ethic this year. gov/eco K people say that class is easy so im not that worried and i'm taking pre-cal L so that shouldn't be hard I jsut hope I get a good teacher!
ok well i know im not going to have time to update again for like another year so adios!