Dec 02, 2004 20:49
Ok so today in preschool we figured out who our buddies our, I got my Second choice, a little hispanic(atleast i think he is hispanic... or not his dad's white moms like indian.... iunno doesnt matter) 3 year old boy named Matthew Nix.
He is kinda shy at doesn't really talk all that much but he is a really cute kid. I grow to love that class more and more. The kids make my day every day no matter how down and upset or tired I am, they are so full of life and jubilant it just makes me smile. Today during morning freeplay i was sitting there talking to some of the kids playing with playdo and Ella(cute Canadian girl) comes up and sits and my lap and looked like she had no intention of getting out of my lap. Then when the bell rang to leave I went up to a little girl Abby and was like do I get a hug goodbye? And she attached herself to my left leg and Madeline attached herself to my right leg and Alma attached herself to my waist so I was getting like a triple hug! It just makes you smile....
Another thing about the kids is they say the cutest things! The other day in circle, for example, we were talking about Japan and the day before the kids had learned about Mexico. So when Peggy asked the kids what language they spoke in Japan one of the little girls answer, "Japanish!" because they were thinking of spanish.... wow it was the cutest thing ever!
Gah and the kids do NOT judge, that has to be the main reason I love kids so much. Ok there is this one girl in my class, who is a little different from everyone else... I'm not sure whats wrong with her but people in my class say shes not quite all there. Alot of people my class make fun of her behind her back and really don't talk to her much. The kids could careless what she looks like all they know is that she is a teacher who loves kids and cares for them, and thats all that should really matter. The kids climb into her lap gives her hug and everything.
It's amazing how much WE can LEARN from little kids EXAMPLE.
OH and I was SOOOOO proud today, most of you know how I babysit for 2 boys everyday after school, one 5 yr old and one 10 yr old. Well you could say they aren't the most polite kids. It me a whole summer to get them to say please when they wanted something.
Well today I was doing homework with the older one Sean when the younger one Zac walks in and I said, "Did you have a good day at school today buddy?" and his response was, "yes ma'am." With out my hinting or even expecting it I was like "WHOA! ZAC NICE JOB THAT WAS SOOO POLITE OF YOU!" I seriously freaked out. I spent the rest of my time at work telling them when to say "yes ma'am, no ma'am; yes sir, no sir." So when there mom got home she came outside to where the boys and I were swinging and was like "come on boys lets go we are going to go get your hair cut" at first the boys were like "aww mom do we have to?!?" and then there mom just laughed. Then I was like "excuse me boys, what did you say?" then they quickly corrected themselved and said "yes ma'am."
Wow you shoulda seen the look on this mom's face! She was like wow "Shannon you are amazing!" I just started laughing, wow kids never cease to surprise you!