Sep 15, 2006 12:07
Well, the strike at Eastern is still suspended. A fact-finder has been hired to gather info on other universities comparable to Eastern to see if the administrator's offer to the faculty is fair and honest. One guy in the library, very cool, told me it'll probably be April by the time a new contract will be signed; so until then all faculty are working under the old contract. There's a lot of pissed off folk out there.
So my class has met twice so far. It's a cool class: 20th Century American Poetry. I love my prof, the same one with whom I'm working on that Eliot book.
I ordered TKK's Golden Pillz from Amazon. It skipped like a bitch, so I returned it; they 2-dayed a replacement copy to me, and it, too, skips like a bitch. I'm pissed. I was really looking forward to it. But in the meantime, Gay, Black, and Married is still kicking much ass. I was playing it yesterday while cleaning the house. Yesterday was Rachel's birthday, and I was planning on making her dinner, but getting home from class there was a message on the machine saying that she was on her way to emergency--Kristin fell off her bike and hurt her arm, the same one she broke last year. A fracture, it turns out, and she has an appointment with an Ortho Surgeon sometime. So, I'm thinking, well since Rach is having a shitty birthday, I'll just clean up the house like a muthabitch. Spent about two hours at it, maybe more. She was happy--relatively, considering everything--when she got back around 10:30, to see the house all clean.
Anyway, that;s all for now.
"Crueller than Jesus" ATPKK
or maybe: "Cruller and Jesus," as in; What can I get you, sir? "Uh, yeah, gimme a cruller and a half-caf Jesus."