Jan 11, 2009 12:31
So I missed registration because in spite of my last ditch attempts to straighten out my $4000+ charge from last semester, it didn't go through in time. So I am not registered for classes. Which means I am not a full-time student, effectively retracting the scholarship that made barely affording attending UDM possible.
In the long run this is ultimately my fault for being so horribly awful at time management I wasn't able to get my shit together in aspects outside of trying not to fail my classes last semester.
Either way, I'm not trying to make this some kind of pity party (as it must have seemed for about the last 4 days or so).
I just wanna let the few really good friends I made at UDM know that they were in fact that. Even though I will not be around on the UDM campus anymore (besides visiting or parties or something), it would be awesome to you all around.
Alex Repeck and Josh Gallihugh, you guys are pretty much the best friends I could've had at UDM. Thanks for letting me crash on your couch and listen to my nonsense bullshit. I need your guys' Gamertags on X-Box Live (mine's Godisasock71)
Sam Reiter, you are the nicest motherfucker that I know. Thanks for taking the initiative to talk to me regardless of that fact that I was so intraverted in freshman year I wouldn't have talked to anyone at that point.
Peter Sutherland, you are the kickest ass roomate I could ever have. I thought that my roomate was going to suck, but you blew that bullshit outta the water. Thanks for being one of the most unique and friendly bastards I've ever met.
AJ, we don't really hang out at all. Regardless, it was cool of you to befriend me my first night on campus and send a realization to me that everyone on the UDM campus isn't going to be a tool. Thanks, really.
Joe Al-Kirwi, you were fucking awesome. Too bad you moved to Texas. I enjoyed listening to music way too loud in your room and pissing off Rob and Joe. Awesome.
Kappa Delta Rho, although I was only an active brother for less than a calendar year, it was awesome to be a part of an organization like yourselves. I not exactly sure of what is going on with my status in KDR now that I'm not a student at UDM if one of you guys reads this and knows fill me in. Anyway, the vast majority of you guys were fucking awesome, and made becoming a brother fucking worthwile. You all should know who you are...
Now that I'm not a student at UDM anymore, I was going to try to transfer last minute to Wayne State, but found that it wasn't going to happen on account of the fact that they start school Monday (and there's pretty much no way my transfer application is going to go through that quick and whatnot). Whatever.
In school-unrelated stuff, I jammed with Trace The Veins on bass and had an awesome time.
I played Rock Band 2 and think that I like it better than Guitar Hero. Shocker.
I watched Pineapple Express, thought it was awesome, wish I laughed more.
Tom Delonge, to me, is the biggest dissapointment. Ever.
I hate it when Angela works 9 hour days at Hungry Howies.
Mark got high and hung out for like 8 hours yesterday.
We watched hockey, which is weird because I don't usually watch sports. I usually comment on what little I know about them.
There's no cereal in my house.
I had a sugar-free Jell-O cup for breakfast. It tasted like cough syrup.
My phone cannot hold a fucking charge, whatsoever...
My phone number is 734 536 3371
It's definately not 734 536 4282 or 734 536 4283
The Impossibles should have stuck around longer and Rory should've quit music after Slowreader.
Anyone who listens to Hit The Lights should be shot.
The same goes for Soulja Boy, Paramore, Dave Matthews Band, The Casualties, and other music I don't like/approve of because I know everything there is to know about music. Haha.
So, I am now schooless until Fall. This sucks, but I'll make it as good as worthwile as possible. I should probably shave my beard and get a job...