May 17, 2007 10:46
I tend to forget about lj these days, but when I do go read it, I'm always glad I did. It's nice to know for sure that there is a world I recognize going on outside of the rural campus bubble. this place warps time beyond recognition. I would live the last two weeks a thousand times more of their thousand years and the last year a million times of its twenty minutes. do I blame the twelve hour stints in the architecture studio or the irish car bombs or the lovins and the naps? A friend and I recently realized that we could never be unhappy if we had a small room full of tropical frogs, some lawn chairs, and a beer fridge (amusingly, my minifridge recently broke and became sort of a freezer, making it unusable for anything but booze. beer is fine, lime juice explodes). Esecially if there was one big ass frog that just persitently sat on one of the lawn chairs. welcome to the Frog Room. This was before we time traveled and thought we were nuns, but after we told our fortunes in lotion with shocking portentiousness (these predictions maintained their gravity even when we were no longer high as hell).
next term will be nice classwise, except that my three best friends will be gone. that is misfortune.
"The Journey; 1640's" is about inventing a persona and having them do whatever the hell they want for the decade of the 1640's, as long as they interact with history in meaningful ways.
"Music Healing" is tought by Milfod Graves, who has the ability to synhronize hundreds of people's heartbeats, then manipulate them with his drums. what the hell more do you want in a prof?
"urban interventions" is code for drawing all the architecturally significant buildings in albany and going on field trips
digital space is computer aided drafting. this is a practical life skill, which seems absurd to aquire here.
and I'm taking banjo from John Kirk, who once played with Oh Contraire on the westford town common, and is the beardless santa claus of folk music.
also contact improvisation. I'm thinking of minoring in modern dance.
absurd. only the journey meets more than once a week. I will also write a plan essay which coherently states that this is all part of a coherent education I'm designing for myself. clearly.
In other news, two of my best friends and I here recently gave each other tattoos of the radiator in our house, or rather of four columns of three squares. I really can't explain in print why this was meaningful and necessary, so you're going to have to believe me that it was. I have to decide whether to live and work and go completely insane from loneliness in maryland this summer, or just go chooglin around the counryside blowing what modest funds I've got.
do a youtube search for klaus nomi. watch lightning strikes. do it for me, do it for yourself.