Crit Post!

Jun 26, 2020 17:46

This is a place for all you guys to place crit for my characters at anytime so we don't have to wait for the next HMD. If you feel that I'm slipping, dislike a quirk I added, have a problem with a certain event, or just plain feel like I'm DOIN' IT WRONG, let me know! I will do my best to either explain my choice if I think it was just, or try to fix up the problems at people's suggestions.

Comments are screened.

So this post applies to ALL of my characters are-

Haruhi Suzumiya (sos_commander)
Minatsuki Takami (tainted_flowers)

IP logging is off and Anonymous commenting is on! Have at it guys!

And feel free to contact me on AIM at tsun your dere as well.

critpost, critique, concrit

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