Orlin had disappeared by the time Camulus awoke. He was grumpy the second he opened his eyes in his newly redecorated apartment. He also seemed to be suffering from timelag. Three weeks in a sarcophagus would do that. With a growl, he slid off the bed and stalked into the bathroom. Twenty minutes and a lot of hot water later, a squeaky clean Goa'uld stalked back into his bedroom, going for the kilt on the floor. A disgruntled meow informed him that he had just interrupted a very pleasant nap. With a scowl, Camulus lifted the kilt and pulled the kitten off as it resolutely tried to cling to the fabric. "'Se plaigh a th'annad," he growled at it, holding it up to eye level. Scathadh scowled right back, taking a swipe at him with her wee little claws. He stalked into the living room, scowling at his cracked sarcophagus filling up most of the space, and dropped the cat in the middle of the floor. She immediately made for the kitchen, mewling forcefully. Camulus arranged his kilt as he followed her, shuddering at his be-daisied cupboards. She was attempting to open a certain cupboard which, once opened, revealed a bag of cat food. It was at this point that Camulus began to growl uncomplimentary things about Scathadh, Orlin, and everything in between. Still, the kitten was on the verge of shredding his right ankle so he spilled some food into a bowl and filled another with water. He crouched to set them down on the floor, away in a corner, and Scathadh padded over, meowing gratefully. He scowled at her, muttering under his breath, when she looked at him with adorable kitten eyes, rubbed her head against his hand, and licked his thumb with her sandpaper tongue.
Camulus fell in love.
After four hours of playing with the kitten, Camulus finally got around to checking his messages. He discovered one from
Phoebe, immediately
called her back, and went right back to playing with the kitten.