Yeah, so I did this throughout the evening.

May 13, 2004 00:09

[My name is]: Lesley
>[in the morning I am]: still awake from the previous day
>[love is]: elusive
>[I dream about]: Lo, usually.
>-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
>[what do you notice first?]: Hrm... eyes, I suppose.
>[last person you slow danced with]: Whoa... Janna White, but that doesn't count as opposite sex.
>-W H O-
>[do you have a crush on?]: Personal
>[easiest to talk to]: Lo
>-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
>[fallen for your best friend]: Yes.
>-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
>[you talked to on the phone]: Linly
>[hugged]: Ashley
>[you instant messaged]: Jason
>[you laughed with]: Lo
>[kissed]: Jason!!!
>-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
>[could you live without the computer]: God, don't say such frightening things.
>[what's your favourite food?]: Grilled cheese sandwiches own.
>[whats your favourite fruit?]: Raspberries.
>[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: Emotional pain, because it obviously lasts longer.
>[trust others way too easily?]: Oh yeah.
>-N U M B E R-
>[of times I have had my heart broken? ]: Um... hrm. Well, once.
>[Shattered?]: Just that once.
>[of hearts I have broken?]: You know... hang on, lemme think. I know it's more than 3.
>[of boys/girls I have kissed?]: Oh JESUS. I really have no clue.
>[of drugs taken illegally?]: Um... two or three.
>[of tight friends?]: Quite a few, actually. I'm lucky like that.
>[of cd's that I own?]: Far too many to count.
>[of scars on my body?]: Far too many to count.
>[of things in my past that I regret?] : One.
>[I know]: how to beat FFX using Rikku as a main fighter while staying within her designated spots on the sphere grid.
>[I want]: a Mac.
>[I have]: a cookie.
>[I wish]: in one hand and shit in the other.
>[I hate]: shaving
>[I miss]: my sanity. Seriously.
>[I fear]: my father.
>[I hear]: they have to pump your stomach when you drink that stuff.
>[I search]: for fags.
>[I love]: fags.
>[I ache]: when I can do nothing to help from so far away.
>[I care]: about you.
>[I always]:
>[I dance]: dance.
>[I cry]: when I hear "The Tower".
>[I do not always]: eat.
>[I write]: instead of breathing.
>[I confuse]: easily.
>[I can usually be found]: online.
>[I need]: a new life.
>[Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing]: Yes, I have.
>[If so, when and with who]: With this guy named Keith Carruth. When I was in 7th grade.
>[Favourite place to be kissed?]: On my hand.
>[Have you ever been caught "doing something"]: Heh heh, oh yeah. A couple of times.
>[Wuss]: Arsehole.
>[Druggie]: Not so much.
>[Gang member]: Shit no.
>[Daydreamer]: I try to get it on paper.
>[Alcoholic]: Fortunately, no.
>[Freak]: Indeed.
>[Brat]: Sometimes.
>[Goody-goody]: Ha ha ha, in some aspects.
>[Angel]: in my pocket.
>[Devil]: in my brain.
>[Friend]: Please Stop Smoking.
>[Shy]: Perhaps.
>[Talkative]: Oh yeah.
>[Adventurous]: Most assuredly.
>[Intelligent]: I am, actually.
>[impacted you the most spiritually]: Beth Roberts.
>[wish you saw more often]: Rebecca.
>[wish you could meet]: Dylan.
>[most sarcastic]: Dylan.
>[wish you knew better]: MJ.
>[knows you best]: Lo.
>[best outlook on life]: Jenn.
>[most paranoid]: Sara.
>[sweetest]: That's a toughie. I'd say... Ashley?
>[your best feature (personality)]: My big ole heart.
>[your biggest flaw (personality)]: My big ole ego.
>[most annoying thing you do]: Talk incessantly.
>[biggest mistake you've made this year]: This year has been pretty devoid of huge blunders.
>[describe your personality in one word]: Large.
>[the physical feature for which you are most often complimented]: Eyes.
>[person you regret sleeping with]: James.
>[a smell that makes you smile]: Murphy's Oil Soap.
>[a country you'd like to visit]: England. Again.
>[a drink you order most often]: Sweet tea.
>[a delicious desert]: I'd think all that sand would be kind of gross, myself.
>[a book you highly recommend]: The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho.
>[the music you prefer while alone]: Pretty much all of it, since no one listens to my stuff.
>[your favorite band]: Hrm. Too tough to call.
>[a film you could watch over and over]: The Tenth Kingdom.
>[a TV show you watch regularly]: Law and Order: SVU
>[you live in a(n)]: House (houth, houth, houth)
>[your transportation]: Black deathtrap named Christine.
>[your cologne or perfume]: Au naturel
>[under your bed or in your closet you hide]: My vibrator?
>[something important on your night table]: A portable chess set.
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