Nov 17, 2009 08:27
I was very happy to see Mohinder back on my screen this week, then he opened his mouth and I realized not much has changed. He still is chasing after his father and this time the cost was both is sanity in a sense and Mira. I do have to say I shouted "MOLLY," when he was teaching that random girl. Still I have to say Mohinder took a good dose of stupid pills this time around because building a compass and then running half way around the world to hunt down a strange person with the person with the power to kill with pebbles is the healthiest thing in the world.
Also, Mohinder wisely decides to trust Hiro, because you know he hasn't changed at all and winds up in Niki's padded cell. Hiro honey while I understand you want to get Charlie back, but locking one of the few people who could help you in a nuthouse isn't the way to do it. I doubt Mohinder is going to come bouncing out of there all excited to see you.
Claire and Tracy reconnect over bathtubs and tea and there is so much femmslash potential I squee a bit and I don't like femmslash, shocking for a lesbian isn't it. Anyway, Tracy can't decide to join Samuel or not and her power freaks out causing her to freeze Claire and break her foot off. The best part of that storyline was Noah's expression when he came through the door and saw the foot on the table. He seemed so calm about it that I fell over laughing. It seemed like he was thinking. "Huh I have a new paperweight, neat."
We meet Samuel's older brother and I'm struck by how much like Nathan and Peter they are, minus the rocker look and the homicidal tendencies. Joesph clearly wanted to protect his brother from himself and help him learn to control his powers, but Samuel really wants to make people pay for making them hide. It was nice to find out why he's surrounding himself with specials, but how did they get the compasses may I ask if Mohinder had to build one. I don't think that's something you can buy at Walmart.
Nathan and Peter, oh boys your storyline should have been called Denial in Egypt, because it only gets worse from here on out. Peter doesn't want to believe his Nathan is gone, while Nylar knows he's only memories and bits of Nathan Petrelli glued onto Sylar's mind. The end scene was amazingly done and I have to say again TIM, YOU SUCK.
Anyway, Peter and Nathan go against Rene the Haitian's advice and view the real Nathan's body. I have to stop and squee a second because we HAD NAKED PADSAR. How much giggling during the filming of that scene did there have to be looking at Adrian's hairy chest.
Peter comforts Nylar and they fly off to heal Matt which the moron does not deserve and Sylar gets his body back in a scene that makes me go meh, because everyone was an idiot there, Peter for healing Matt, Matt for letting Sylar in and Nathan for listening to anyone.
Oh and Matt, why do you think you can go back to your old life now. STAY AND CLEAN UP YOUR MESS, Hiro knows better then you and that's saying something. *sigh*
Next week: Thanksgiving dinners from hell, it is bound to be epic!