I am angry, not because Adrian could have possibly been fired, not because the Internet could have exploded about it. I am angry at spoiler sites. Today a small group of people chose to believe a "source" knew more then a group of people who have actually worked on the show in question. Luckily Heroes is the type of show where family sticks up for family and the writers and Adrian have come out in force to deny the rumors of his firing.
But it isn't the cast and crew of Heroes I want to talk about tonight...I want to talk about the people who today proved most of them are smug bastards who enjoy getting a rise out of their fans. Ausiello, how smug has he been with his blind items and dangling of spoilers lately. I'm sure he was truly forced to release the information he had. *eye roll*
Kristen from E Online, she has freely lied in the past and gotten away with it and I say it's time it stopped. I understand a few red herrings may be released from time to time, but she's clearly become a joke in the fan community because she isn't ashamed to lie right to the faces of the people coming to her for information.
I don't know this Deadline woman Niki whatever, but from what I've seen on her blog, she is mean, vindictive and spoiled. All three of these people make me ashamed to have once been a part of the media. And the papers, tabloids and blogs that ran with this news piece before anyone in a position of power could confirm should be ashamed too.
Adrian Padsar deserves a deep and sincere apology for this event and the "source" that claimed to gain this information first hand, should be fired. However, I know this will not happen, so I will offer Mr. Padsar an apology myself.
I am deeply and truly sorry sir for what you went through today. I hope you will continue to be the wonderful, classy gentleman you are and I can assure you I will continue to follow your work for many years to come.
Peace out.