*headdesk, headdesk, headdesk* Heroes what the heck are you doing to me. You dangle plot lines like Samuel and the Carnival of Super Freaks in front of me then you screw it all up by turning yet another actor into Sylar. I loved the Five Years Gone Nathan/Sylar storyline as it was a natural progression of the hatred Sylar had for the Petrelli family and Peter in particular.
This season’s storyline however is pandering to the drooling fan girls plain and simple. I don’t watch Supernatural but putting Sylar into almost every episode and/or scene seems like the Castiel issue on that show. I can almost hear the panicked Heroes writers going. “See, here you want more Sylar, here he’s in every scene please don’t kill us.”
At one point I wanted to fly down to LA and apologize to Zach in person, because what the writers are doing is an insult to his somewhat natural acting ability. Anyway, Matt turns out to be a moron who thinks drinking himself to death will get rid of Head Sylar only all it did was turn him into Niki. Nathan could have told you that was a bad idea darling boy.
I was amused by Matt drunk dialing Mohinder for help, looks like Matt isn’t quite as over him as he thought he was, *snickers* The whole storyline winds up with Sylar in control of another person and off to find his body, while Heroes more intelligent viewers hang their heads and cry.
Meanwhile on at set Jigsaw would be proud of, Claire and Gretchen awkwardly and somewhat cutely talk about THE KISS. It’s nice to see the writers didn’t lose their brains so much that they can let questioning girls like Claire actually question things like that happening to them. Though questioning is a loose word for Claire at this point with the way she’s been flirting.
So Claire, Gretchen and two other girls, McBitchy and Lady Screams A Lot wander around and solve a scavenger hunt with two clues. Meanwhile Gretchen discloses she had seven boyfriends, being on the Nanny must have been good to you, and pegs Claire for a virgin. Peter and Nathan then stand up grin and sit back down.
Becky also is following them and trying to kill Gretchen, which Claire quickly figures out and stops by getting a rebar through her chest that has nothing to do with her sexuality *cough cough* She also seems to have forgotten the lesson about not showing her power in front of people, but then again she is a Petrelli.
Noah and Tracy try to save Jeremy from the only smart cops Heroes has ever had, only the poor boy gets dragged down the street by a pickup truck and the south once again is seen on TV as a bunch of idiot rednecks *sighs* I have been to Georgia and I can tell you that many people there would have worshipped Jeremy as a witch doctor rather than have Matthew Sheppard’d him. Use the acceptation rather than the rule writers I cannot stress that enough, your viewers will thank you.
Tracy gets a visit from Samuel Sexy Pants and he offers to take both Jeremy and Tracy in, but rather then acting like a rational person, Tracy runs away from the minimum wage and Jeremy dies. Noah rages, Tracy cries and Samuel throws the police station into a sink hole. Say what you will about Samuel’s plans, when he feels one of the powered has been wronged he will seek justice for them.
I mean he didn’t even know Jeremy and yet he knew the death could have been prevented. I see a major showdown coming between Samuel and Noah over this and I for one am very excited. I’m also looking forward to seeing more of Samuel’s back story, I think Joseph’s death was not a natural one and Samuel is so concerned about justice because of it.
No Mohinder, though Head Sylar‘s mocking of him was cute and no Nathan. Given that Nathan is a US Senator and has I would guess been missing for at least a week or more I’m surprised his face isn’t splashed all over the newspapers and TV. Then I sat back and realized Nathan has become the Molly of this volume so plot resolution may be a long time coming.
Next week, Charlie returns, Hiro tries to save her and the writers attempt to retcon one of the few plot points they’ve stuck with since season one. Oh and Kate from Angel guest stars for some reason other than being Noah’s new squeeze we swear!