Heroes Episode 18-Daphne is talked about alot and Mohinder is missing

Mar 03, 2009 07:51

This is a day late simply because my brain exploded over the wonder of my show/boyfriend. You can keep bringing me pretty sugary goodness Heroes seriously, because I am so close to asking you to marry me.

Anyway, we start with the Bennet family and I admit Alex bores me. The dude has been living in Claire's closet for how long and he just now thinks to ask about taking a shower. If he's a swimmer he would would be really touchy about smell at least the ones I knew in high school were. Looks like Claire might have to call Stanley Steamer really soon. I hope Alex got to go to the bathroom at least once otherwise that carpet is shot.

Mr. Muggles looked so darn pleased with himself finding that sandwich, I swear he was thinking. "Steal my rubber sneaker will you woman, ha I got something so much better." And yay for another scene with Lyle in it, though the poor boy was a pawn yet again and he looked like that Jamie Kennedy character, the white rapper dude, with that hood up.

SANDRA FOR THE WIN! *composes self* That is all I have to say about that.

Oh and David honey, I love you and creepy puppet man very much, but every time you call Claire "Barbie," I giggle because A.) She really does look like one and B.) You sound like Waylon Smithers from the Simpsons when you say it and I'm reminded of his Malibu Stacy collection on the show.

Sylar and Luke cracked me up, it's like Sam and Dean Winchester if Dean had finally had enough of Sam's "My girlfriend is dead" bull from Season One and decided to kick his ass using Meg's demon powers.

And wee Gabriel was ten kinds of adorable with his little Hot Wheel car and watching Mommy get sliced. Though she kinda looked like me a little so it freaked me out for like a second, then Mini Sylar popped back up and I had to snuggle him.

Onto Plot C with the Wonder Twins, Danko and Senator Shithead. While I am happy to see Matt actively use his power and be a bit bad ass while doing it, but are you guys that pissed at Mohinder that you'd leave him to Nathan's mercy while searching for Daphne like she was the Virgin Mary. Please remember lads, she did you know WORK FOR ARTHUR at one point, might want to think about your choices.

Wow Peter, you continue to bad touch your brother and play him, looks like you are a Petrelli after all. You even learned how to use the patented Petrelli hug to stab people in the back, well done sir well done. Jania is very proud of you.

Nathan continues to have sexual chemistry with half the cast and seems to have gotten a peek at a future he doesn't really like. When Angela whispered into his ear, he looked like Peter had just offered him naked fun time only to point and laugh when he couldn't get it up. And from the look of the promos he has the heck of a lot on his plate next week. *hands the Senator a Peter plushie to cuddle*

Didn't really miss Tracy, Hiro and Ando, but dammit WHERE WAS MOMO!

squee, meta, heroes

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