Feb 07, 2011 16:30
Random musings before I watch a film class:
So, not trying to offend or irritate anyone, but I seriously don't get the "spoons" thing. And by "don't get", I mean I understand it in theory, as it is derived from someone who has lupus, but whenever someone without a "legitimate" excuse, it just sounds like a lot of idle whining. "Wah wah, I just don't have the energy for this." Well, neither does anyone else. Deal.
And part of this is just me being sick and grumpy, but it still stands.
I don't know why it bothers me so much. I acknowledge that it is completely irrational, but every time I see it (which is quiet frequently), I am filled with stupid, irrational rage.
Anyway, grumpy post, whatever.
[EDIT]: I love how many responses (existing and deleted) have spawned from this. The internet truly loves (fabricated or real) dramaz. More over, I'm glad the general consensus is agreement. I feel like less of a bitch.