Re: My 'To-Do' List

Apr 08, 2007 02:54

Hey Everyone,

Basically I’m behind with everything as per usual :D

If you are waiting on something from me, don’t worry it is coming.

OMG! You should see my ‘To-Do’ list, it’s almost as long as I am tall, okay so I’m only 4ft but still that’s a pretty long bloody list! Lol.

Anyhoo, so I’m at work today and while it was quiet (and the boss wasn’t looking *grins*) I was writing down this industrious ‘To-Do’ list 4ft long and it occurred to me that I really only wanted ‘To-Do’ maybe half of the things on it :p

So, like only 2ft of it I’m even vaguely interested in and most of that is fic writing. The other 2ft of the list can kiss my ass :p

Only it sucks cause I really need ‘To-Do’ the whole bloody thing!

Anyhoo, so I’m at work today and it was pretty damn quiet…I have no idea where everyone was cause our fuel prices were really cheap considering it’s the Easter long weekend ( I work in a petrol servo).

So, yeah what was I saying again?

Oh, that’s right. So it was a slow day and I started thinking about the kind of ‘To-Do’ list that I’d actually want to complete and (while the boss wasn’t looking) I came up with a little meme.

If you wanna pinch it feel free. I’ve put up links to illustrate the benefits of completing this particular ‘To-Do’ list. Just click on the links to be taken to the good stuff lol!

Also I’ve included some pics so I’ve put them under a lj cut.

A ‘To-Do’ List I’d Like To Sink My Teeth In!

1) Marry Jensen Ackles.
Why you ask? Because I’m completely obsessed and I wanna lick him all over! But seriously, who wouldn’t? Hmm?

2) Have my wicked way with Dean Winchester.
Once again, who wouldn’t want a piece of that? I know he’s a fictional character but damn he’s fine!

3) Write an episode of Supernatural.
Are we sensing a theme here? :D

A teaser from my script…

4) Watch Supernatural from episode 101 to 217 again…lol.
Again *grins*

5) Finish My Supernatural Mp3 Episode Mix.
It’s taking longer than I thought it would but hey, story of my life lol.

6) Record one of my songs.
Preferably sung by someone else cause I really cannot sing!

7) Eat a meal off Ian Somerhalder.
I don’t think this one needs much explanation!

8) Read back issues of Hell Quarterly.
Seriously this thing is Awesome!

9) Make a list of my favourite Dean quotes.
Click the link you know you want to…

10) Make a list of my favourite Sam quotes.
Click the link, I dare you…

11) Watch Latter Days.
Cause Latter Days = Love and hot boys touching each other!!!

12) Go Swimming.
Well, why the hell not? I’m a waterbaby, baby!

13) Go to America.
So I can see my girls catlover2x and katydid417.

14) Go to Canada.
I can stalk Jensen! Oh, and I can go see Our Lady Peace live!

15) Catch up on my flist.
Cause I love that!

16) Make pretty icons like these:

Made by shalowater

Made by candy_girl82

Made by michaela3105

Made by sinister_morgue

These icons belong to the people who made them and not me, so if you want to use them make sure YOU CREDIT!!!

17) Watch Dark Angel - Season2.
I hate all the Max/Logan angst, which is why season 1 sucks ass but season 2 rocks, cause it has ALEC!!!

18) Watch Devour again lol!
Cause Jensen is super hot in this movie!
Can you say obsessed much! LMAO :D

Hey comment on my ‘To-Do’ list if you want or maybe you could make your own list in my comments (be sure to use a lj-cut), I’d love to know what you wish you were doing now instead of what you should be doing!


supernatural, dark angel, icons, jensen pics, spn, superntural quotes

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