Sep 18, 2009 07:19
I am gonna kick my borfriends non-existent ass. I told him I would be online last night and he said that he would talk to me then but I waited up till 1am and no Oni. I have no cle why he didn't show up but he didn't. Then I had to deal with Autumn so I did not get a sleep until 3am. I be the tireds now. Ass kicking can waits till I be teh awakes.
I also taked to Anthony for the first time in a long ass time. He didn't deny what he did he just said he didn't know why he did it. How do you not know why your suck a slut that you can't stay faithfull to one person. A person whome you claim to love, want to marry, and adopt their child? The simplest answer is that he never wanted all that and was just using me. To what end I have no idea. So yeah I am developing a complex about it I guess. The whole situation just added more to the insecurities I already had. I'm afraid Oni is getting a rather damaged person that he will have to deal with. I just hope that he can.
Autumn is sleeping for longer durations at night which is a small blessing to me. I need my sleep. Especially since I may have ebil job soon. I need to call and bug Old Time Pottery some more. I am told that T.J. Maxx is supposed to start interviewing people on Monday. J.C. Penny is supposed to give me a call sometime today. I am not sure when though. They said most likely early. I really don't want to work at J.C. Penny cause I don't like the snobby name brand store. To me it's little better than working at Ambercrombi or Aeropostle. I would rather take a bath in acid than work in those places. Yes I am being a bit dramatic but you get my point.
I am back off to bed now though cause it's 7:30 am and I belive Autumn is back asleep.