Mar 12, 2005 22:18
Well I am currently babysitting my little cousins. They are great kids but sometimes it can be stressful having three kids under 5 and trying to put them all to bed. They are now 5 (A), almost 3(R) and 6months(C). C was suppose to be asleep around 7:30-8ish.. R & A were suppose to be in bed by around 8:30.. Well normally it works out perfect and everyone is in bed on time and then C wakes up about 9 for a quick feed then back to bed.. Well tonight it just didn't happen...
C decided that she didn't want to sleep but would rather fake sleep and then when I put her down, start to cry. She did this until it was time to get R & A in PJ's, teeth done, get snack for them, read them two stories and then put them to bed. Do you know how hard that can be with a cranky over tired baby? I know that there are millions of people who do it everyday but they have a routine or something and so they can survive... It's hard when it's a one time deal and no one to pass the baby off to.
Well the older two went to bed with relatively no problem but I had taken them for a bit of a trek through the snow so they were tired and out cold in about 15min max. C was out about 15min after they went to bed also and I was finally able to put her down to sleep.. Thank goodness... My arms were getting sore.
Well today I got a positive esculation for work. Basically meaning that I did a good job and the customer wanted to tell my manager... SO yeah for me:D
We had the CV Boot replaced on my car a few weeks ago and then this week we had the wheel bearings (same wheel as the CV Boot) replaced. MY car is so quiet now... I never knew how loud it was suppose to be because the car came to us with the noise. It's so smooth and quiet now.. I love my car:)
Roy and I had a dissagreement about what type of car mats to put in it.. I wanted ones with a design.. he wanted plain ones.. I lost.. I don't know why I lost since it is MY Car!!! I should be able to girlify my car if I want to. I wasn't going to seriously get the POOH Bear car seats.. it was just a fun threat.. I did want the butterfly car mats with the matching steering wheel cover though.
Well another group of our friends are now engaged.. hehe BoyToy is gonna be the only one left in his goup out here that is going be not engaged it seems at this rate.. Well there are two other guys in his group that are eligble but I don't think that it will happen... So who knows how long my status will stay the same.. And yes I know you read this BoyToy.. THis info is more for ISlandGirl...
Well LIfe is good still:)