I had a meeting at 9:30 this morning (I know, what a hardship1), I got up at 8:30, after waking up around 2:30, and being awake for nearly an hour. I did, eventually, go back to sleep, and get up on time. I made a cup of coffee in a
single cup filter; as per Alton Brown, it's the best way to make coffee, short of a French press. The meeting was boring, nothing enlightening (work-wise).
After that, I went and deposited my paycheck (in that 15 minute span the bank is open on Saturday). I came home, and decided, I wanted another cup of coffee. I put on the water, got out the coffee making accoutrements, and started to pour. When the cup was about 3/4 full, it wasn't really going through the filter any more, so I started shaking it very gently ... no help. I picked up the filter, and just then heard footsteps outside; the filter broke, and grounds started pouring in my cup. Then someone knocked.
It was Jehovah's Witnesses. They had this smug look. the look that screamed "Yeah, we broke your coffee filter. What're you gonna do about it, buddy?" I know now, they have evil coffee filter destroying magic in that church. It must, for the good of all coffee drinkers everywhere, be put to an immediate end!
But, in the end, it all worked out. I have my coffee. I am happy.
1 - If you normally start work at 9:00 AM, imagine having a meeting at 1:00 AM.