nabbed from a comment on feel it is my solemn duty to share this link...
That was one of the funniest videos I've seen in a long time. I don't remember the last video I watched where I laughed that much. I had to pause it a rewind a few times. Though, it's pretty obvious, Steinberg's Nuendo is the German competitor to America's Pro Tools by Digidesign. This is an ancient war, it's nearly as old as Windows Vs Mac and older than Gnome Vs KDE. But it's been Cubase (the psuedo-predescessor to Nuendo, a bit like Cakewalk to Sonar, only they're still making Cubase) Vs Pro Tools (the industry standard, bah!). It's like Final Cut Vs Premier only with the whole Germany Vs The World thrown in for good measure.