If you teach a child to read, you'll make thousands of dollars a year. If you suck the fat out of a rich persons ass and put it into their lips, you'll make 10 times that much.
Your dad has wondered what your girlfriend looks like naked
No matter how much you read about celebrities, they've never even heard of you
The people with the most enjoyable jobs make the most money, while the people with the worst jobs also pay much too little
There are over six billion people in the world, you will never know if you have met the one person who is right for you. You may have already given them away.
Some Off-the-cuff insult you made in passing is keeping someone up at night
There are things you're trying to forget
Your body is crawling with billions of deadly bacteria.
Someone thinks you're a liar.
You're probably being extorted by a large corporation.
There are still over a million American land mines buried around the world.
People don't change
Most people aren't very good parents.
There is something important you are neglecting in order to be on-line. Perhaps it's your children, some work, or a friend that would love to finally hear from you.
You've been spied on.
There are things you have that you don't deserve.
People only use roughly 3% of their brain. You'll probably never know what the other 97% can do.
If you are fat, most people don't want to be your friend.
People lie to you all the time and get away with it.
The food you throw away could save lives.
You can think of at least three easy things you could do to be a better person, and you aren't doing any of them.
Your one vote makes absolutely no difference in the world.
The cartilage in your ears and nose wil never stop growing.
The things you do in the privacy of your own home would probably disgust most of your friends.
Disney could have you killed and nobody could do a thing about it.
Someone knows who really killed John F Kennedy, but you never will.
You have a better chance of being stuck by lightning than you do of winning the lottery
In modern day America, Totally innocent people have been jailed, sentenced, and have been executed
You've swallowed Rat hairs, maggots, and handfulls of dead skin.
Men will always be attracted to other women.
Your invetments could become worthless in an instant, and you may never get your money back.
People judge you every day on your appearance
Your comfortable lifestyle is destroying the earth
If you lose an eye, you're a Cyclops.
You're below average in something important to you
Hundreds of companies are dumping millions of tons of toxic chemicals into the air and water
There is no real proof that your significant other is not cheating on you, even if they love you
Someone you think is your friend is faking it.
No matter how hard you work there will always be someone above you because they are related to someone important.
Dozens of deadly diseases still have no cure
Someone you trust is not keeping your secrets
Someone you know has talked about you therapy
Everyone you know is going to die.
There may come a time when your parents don't remember who you are.
Most people would rather climb a virtual mountain than a real one.
One our of four homeless people is a child
You are not as funny as you think you are.
Birthday wishes don't some true because you wish them.
You probably lied to someone at least once today.
There are litterally crazy people on the lose
People talk about you behind your back
There are enough nuclear weapons on the planet to destroy it a tousand times over. Many of them are pointed at your house.
Your Doctor has made jokes about you.
You will probably fail more times in your life than you will succeed
Someone you despise has thought about you while touching themselves
Your beloved pets only love you because you give them food.
Each second you spent reading this post, brought you one second closer to your death.
You are simply delaying the inevitable.