Holy Shit, Batman! An Update!

Apr 05, 2005 13:21

I've finally decided to update my journal. I don't know how long it has been since I've done one. Probably close to a year…

I'm finished with CSM (thank god) and am currently taking classes at San Francisco State University. I'm majoring in Literature, and will soon apply to double major in Creative Writing (since the CW major consists of about 50% literature classes, I essentially get to double count the classes I'm aking for my lit major towards the CW major). I like the campus. It's right on the edge of the city, and it's centralized (as opposed to UCSC being all over the place). It is a little like High School (as if you ever escape…); music is played in Malcolm X plaza almost everyday, and the same cliques alwasy hang out there. The inly difference is that they aren't assholes…ar least not that I've noticed…

On my first day in Ancient Epic Tales, I found, much to my surprise and supreme happiness, that my firens Mr. Joe Gorman was in the class as well. Now we hang out (with Igs, Baby Walrus, and Mr. Piccolotti). The Chinese food was the shit until I found a bone in my food last friday. Now the Chicken Fingers/French Fry combo is the shit. The Pizza always sucked.

In my Theory of Literature class (which pretty much a philosophy class…), we were discussing the Sublime, and how it can be something that, according to Longinus, either causes one to think back and reflect upon it or is something enjoyable to the masses. Professor Kwok then says, “is Stephen King sublime? He's a New York Times bestseller.” This caused laughter. Now, I wouldn't have minded, except that it came from the stupid pretentious old woman who's probably never read Stephen King. Fuck that bitch. King is both enjoyable to the masses, and has at least caused me to reflect back upon what he's written. More sublime than you'll ever be, woman. Just cuz something isn't written in a way that makes it sound more condfusing than it actually is doesn't mean it's not sublime. Oh yeah, and you're not sublime, cuz you ask stupid ass questions.

I finished reading The Dark Tower series and A Song of Ice and Fire as well. I'm now addicted (thank you, Matt), to the A Game of Thrones ccg. I have a pretty killer Stark deack that's yet to be played. On my ealier attempts with a Stark deck, I lost four times to Matt (“don't worry. I've been playing for more tha a year…”) and defeated his friend ike twice. I've since streamlined my deck. Watch out Matt. Winter is coming.

Well, guess I'm gonna go try and find my copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Time to start reading.
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