Aug 28, 2011 20:38
Dear Win,
Many years ago a song of yours entitled 'You've Got the Power' was used in, if memory serves, a beer commercial. This commercial had some downtrodden workers breaking free of their enslavement and gaining the pleasure of this beer, again if memory serves.
I enjoyed this mix of your song tremendously, so much so that I ascertained it was from the album 'Uh, Tears Baby' and began a quest to purchase the album. I never succeeded, despite spending many hours browsing through record shops from Carlisle to London and all points east, west and otherwise. No one had it in stock, not even second hand dealers in Camden Town, who notoriously had everything. The Internet was not around for much of the time this quest continued and by the time it was freely available in the corner of the South Seas I now call home I had given up on ever finding the album.
The quest never quite left my mind and tonight I downloaded a zip file containing the album and had a listen. Well, thank goodness I never did track down the album and spend hard earned money on it, because it was really not terribly good and I can now understand why I could never find it.
Yours sincerely