I was going to post about Robert L. Stevenson at some length as I have been reading a lot of his works (both well and lesser known) recently. Instead I grabbed a nearby book,
As seen almost everywhere on LJ lately:
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 56.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next seven sentences in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.
Well, the first one had less than 56 pages (a Mr. Men book of Sean's), so I grabbed this:
'By now you know the reason. In a minute or two I shall collect myself. Far from loitering, I am racing through a whole life, rushing it through a sieve.
Where was I? - I was nearly sixteen and my days at Santa Maria Novella were drawing to an end. Acting on messer Lanfredino's advice, my guardians decided that next year I should begin work on degrees in theology and philosophy, and so go up to Bologna, to that city of loggias, wonderful little shops, rounded spaces and colonnades. I was to love its huge blocks of well-cut stone, its graceful turnings and soaring towers. And though I lodged with other Dominicians in the friary of San Domenico, Bologna gave me my first heady taste of being on my own.'
There's nothing to indicate one has to say what book the extracted text is from, thus, unless anyone asks I withhold the information.
Back to Tusitala in a moment, but first,
As seen at
horridporrid This is the "explain your lj page" meme.
1. My username is Goddlefrood. This is an amalgam of three elements of myself. Without conceit my initials are GOD. dle is part of my father's childhood nickname for me. Frood comes from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, as in he's a frood dude, no need to be so froody, etc.
2. & 3. My journal is titled "Observations on Various Matters" as that's exactly what it is. It used to have the secondary title of "Things you may have missed", but because little is missed by today's oh so astute blogger ;-), I removed that. It now has the subtitle of: "Ramblings of a Loon", hopefully for obvious reasons.
(If not obvious it's because I am a small bird)
4. My friends' page is called "Perilous Reading Material" due to the fact that it often isn't.
5. My default userpic is of Marvin the paranoid android from the BBC TV series adaptation of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Marvin is possibly my favourite character in all of fiction and my ideological twin.
Anyway, Treasure Island, what's it all about? But first,
This was the result of a little quiz - I say little, but it had 70 odd questions - as espied at
Your result for The Golden Compass Daemon Test...
Gruff Soul
You are a bold and fearless person, with a strong sense of self. People, especially people who don't know you well, might think that you are unfeeling or callous, but your loved ones know that you are a loyal and fierce friend. Your loyalty does not come easily, though. People need to earn your affection and respect.
You like to be with your favourite people, but you don't have much patience for the rest of humanity. Even your close friends and family can drive you crazy some times, so you need your space from them every now and then. You often hide your feelings behind offensive or rude jokes, and you rarely let your true feelings shine through. If an emotion does shine through, it is likely to be masked as aggression or through a joke.
Your daemon's form would represent your clannish, loyal nature, your self confidence and your aggressive, joking exterior. He or she would probably help you mock the people whom you dislike and disrespect.
Suggested form:
Hyena, Coati, Maned Wolf, Raven, Dingo.
Take The Golden Compass Daemon Test at
HelloQuizzy It's not a bad result really, however I'm not enamoured of the hyena.
Next time: Robert Louis Stevenson.