Mother, Long Lost Peeps...

Aug 25, 2004 10:02

OK, my mom had surgery, had most of her stomach, some of her pancreas removed (tumor). Everything went well, but the tumor looked older than my mother's apparent (AMAZON!) health should have allowed. They are doing more tests on it. My dad will be able to see her later today, although he saw her last night, she just opened her eyes and closed them again. It was a 4.5 hour surgery, which is a fuck-off long time.

In other excellent news, I was bored a few nights ago when Flash was up at Chris's, and I emailed Loren. He emailed me back today, genuinely happy to hear from me. It warms the heart.

Oh, Andy, if you read this, you should go to http:/ . You'd like the writing and stuff, I think. It reminds me of you, only goofier. *nibbles on Pinky*

Oh yeah! My dad got me a schwinn sting ray bicycle. It's fucking hot. I win!
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