Aug 03, 2005 01:28
That I've read Cleo's next fic I want to go beat the shit out of someone...anyone....I shall attack mother and her male visitor!
That's what I keep calling Phillip, my mom's male visitor. In actuallitie (fuck that's a weird ass word) he's like falling apart. He had all of this back surgery about a year ago (or was it two?) and now he's not really withthe rest of the world. He used to see fairies but then he got cats and they went away. I liked him a lot more when he saw the fairies.
Anyways, we all survived the weekend. Friday night Alan and I took his friend John and my friend Ashley out on sort of a double date. Alan was really encouraged cause they didn't hate each other. I was really encouraged cause John didn't embarrass himself. Coolest guy in the world, I mean come ON he crocehts (I can't even spell it) and mountain bikes. he's just...such a dork. And really hyper when it comes to women.
SO we saw Charlie and Chocolate Factory and ate at Zapatas (yum!) and I STILL loved C&CF the second time around, that movie is SO much better than the first one!
Saturday Alan and I went down to Rock Hill to go to Micheals (the one in Charlotte didn't have what we were looking for...well it did, but Alan was convinced it was cheaper down in Rock Hill. It wasn't). Alan made a lovely work of art for his house that's really creepy. It's a red mask on a black canvas essentially. I made pretty jewelry that I like. That night we met up with the gang for Dragonsinger's birthday, went to Chili's where I had a very good Cobb Salad, which surprised me cause I don't normally like Chili's. Then we went to go see The Island, which while good, was a scary fucking gross movie. I don't recommend it to anyone really, unless you LIKE harpons being shot into people. But Dragonsinger and Cleo were really happy with the Ewan McGreggor (and I wasn't too sad about it myself...)
The next morning Alan and I went to the mall to eat (the Atlanta Bread Company there closed so I had to have a hot dog) and I also had a cookie (GO COOKIES!). Monday I went back to the mall and filled out nine job applications (I also filled out 2 Sunday) and I filled out two more today. I'm SO SICK of filling out job applications, you would not believe it. I start having nervous breakdowns when I have to get a job. PLUS in like 3 weeks, I'll be back in school and have to deal with all of that shit. Of course in 4 months and 6 days (not like I'm counting...) I'll be 21. I'm really really really looking foward to that! Then when we go out partying/clubbing (like the one time we do it a year) we can go ANYWHERE and I won't feel guilty holding us back! HAAHAHA!
Damn this was a long post. And I didn't really say much either, did I? Oh well...I'm happy right now and that's what counts. But you know what would make me even happier? A bagel....