May 10, 2007 21:27
It's been a while, but i've been busy non stop...and i still am, but it's too hot too do anything and t.v. is annoying me lately, so here's an update.
Turned 21 in March and it's great. I've been going out to Hartford a lot lately, and it's been a lot of fun.
School is technically done for me (it was last Thursday) but im taking two summer courses so that i can still graduate May 2008. Since i changed my major, it was either stay an extra semester or do two summer courses and graduate in May. So right now i'm taking precalc from 9:00 - 12:00 Monday thru Friday for three weeks. It's not too bad, just makes your mind feel like mush after doing math for three hours. And then after that I go to work until 4:00. My second summer class starts the 29th and goes until July 6th, but it's only Tu/Th 9-12:15, so it's not that bad.
Got my grades in, I made the Dean's GPA was a 3.64 for the semester. 2 A's, 3 A-'s and 1 B (which pisses me off a bit...but thats what i get for not making up one of my projects).'s what the summer looks like so far:
going to the casino on the 29th
classes until July 6th (boo)
going to PA to see Derek June 15th and going to see the White Sox play! :-)
going to Las Vegas in July w/Jimmy and his parents -- i can't wait to drink and gamble my money away. lol
Jimmy and I celebrate our 5 year anniversary on Sunday (13th), so that's exciting. much of an update I guess. Sorry. lol.