Visiting Portland for a day...

May 16, 2009 19:12 attend a moving friend's going away party.

I'm hanging out with my parents right now. I'm worried about them. Their unemployment is running out They're going to have to move in with relatives in a month or two and haven't figured out their plans yet. One of the reasons I may move back to Portland earlier than I planned is that I should be working for pay so I can help support them if needed. It's all kind of scary.

My old job wants me back. I don't want to DO my old job any more, but I could rock it for a while if it comes to that. Anyway, I'm trying to stay optimistic. I'm going to keep WWOOFing for at least part of the summer, learn as much as I can and enjoy it fully. Whenever I move back to Portland I'm going to dive whole-heartedly into becoming responsible, because, yeah, I've always been on the flaky side. It's about time to take on the challenge of changing that.

For the moment, beautiful places, amazing new friends, and all kinds of new knowledge about plants, food growing, nature and community. Fears aside, there's a lot to be thankful for.
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