The Magic Ruby

Aug 10, 2007 15:50

This is me, Magic, doing a celebratory spinny dance in the club I just built, The Magic Ruby. It still needs things like seating, a bar...unimportant little things like that *hehe*, but the club itself is built and ready to be moved into. But that was this morning. Let's go back to the beginning...(woooooo)

This is my friend Ruby (pre-kick ass skin) and me relaxing. Ruby is my husband (twice), my wife, my business partner and an all around good friend. She just stands back and listens when I go off on my little pissy fits. One night, my pissy fit led to the statement "I'm going to buy a club".

And The Magic Ruby is born.

This was this morning (see me spinning in there?), but last night we had Kim, Q and T over to dance and celebrate the new club.

Here's Ruby (with the wild hair ha!) and the Kool Aid guy (aka Q) dancing on the old floor. Its since been recolored black and has a spiffy new floor on it.

All was well until...

George came out..and snuck up on Q.

But T tackled George and subdued him before he could do anything to poor defenseless Q.

Of course that couldn't save Q from Ruby and The Cage. Or from his clothes falling off at will. *nods* True story.

At the end of the night, we had a visitor...

He has no name, and has no personality but he's fun to look at *snickers*. For now, we just call him Male Magic. Yes that's me, wearing a male shape I made along with a skin I picked up. I'll be reselling him soon *grin*

Til next time...
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