(no subject)

Jul 09, 2013 20:49

Hey, LiveJournal! I have nothing new to report honestly. Life has been strangely good these past few days, albeit under weird circumstances. I freaked out on Saturday night.

Ya see, on Friday night, I drove out to Wake Forest to pick up Jodie, then we drove out to Robert's house in Raleigh, ate dinner at a nearby IHOP, and then meandered with purpose (doesn't make sense, but go with it) to a bar in Chapel Hill to see friends in their punk rock band perform. It was wonderful. I was worried that my natural giddiness compounded by caffeine from an entire hoddle of coffee (which I shared with no one obviously-- hence the word "entire"), alcohol from two beers, nicotine from a bummed-off cigarette (I occasionally socially smoke, and this was the first time in three years that I had), and adrenaline from being around friends was too much for people. I had no reason to conclude this beyond Robert not being around me and Jodie 100% of the time at the bar, which, retrospectively, is understandable, as I also wandered away from him to see other friends. So really, that problem lies with me.

All the same, after going to bed on Saturday, I found myself reflecting on how ridiculous I acted, rambling about unimportant things (as I am wont to do), wondering who else on earth does such things besides Ellen Degeneres. I was unable to fall asleep and thought I would find solace on Facebook and online messengers when my laptop said, "Yeah, instead, we're gonna give you a flagrant error and pee the carpet," to reference Strong Bad. The computer shut down on its own. Just turned off really. Saying that it shut down may insinuate that it gave me some kind of heads-up about it, but it just decided, "We out," without even a cute box to let me know that, and it turned off. When I turned it back on, I got a tiny blue screen in the center of the screen giving me a lot of words about a fatal error, but before I could read anything specific (as if un-technical me would have been able to make more sense out of it otherwise), it shut down. I turned it on one more time, got the option to do a recommended system repair, and then it gave me a full-sized blue screen regarding a fatal system error (at least I think the word "system" was in there. Definitely the words "fatal" and "error.") and promptly shut down once more.

So then I cried because I thought of all the cool stuff I had saved on my computer that I thought I could no longer access. Stuff like pictures. Pretty much pictures, yeah. I've uploaded a lot to Facebook, but I have a lot of high-quality stuff that I want to keep until I no longer exist, and then I want someone else to hold onto them. I put my heart and soul into photographs I take, so to lose them would truly be devastating. Thankfully, after waking up AJ and talking things out with him, we concluded that the hard drive couldn't possibly be the problem, and in the morning, we were able to amazingly start up the computer and back up everything.

My lappy has been acting hunky-dorey ever since, but I use it sparingly. So in the meantime, I've been able to spend even more time with my wonderful and hilarious son, read the fourth Game of Thrones book (A Feast of Crows), and cook brunch for myself two days in a row (breakfast burritos, and I added amazing grits today). I was also able to run a couple of errands today, that I could have done otherwise, but I had the energy and inclination to do them. So in a weird way, this has been a good thing.

AJ is in the process of checking out the external hard drive of his that we used to back up my files, and assuming all is well, we'll do a good ol' fashioned system restore on my lappy (as recommended by one of my many IT friends), and then we'll see what happens.

I really should be grading papers right now. I've had four glasses of Merlot, and I'm motivated. Too motivated. So motivated, I decided to update my LiveJournal. Excuse any drunken typographical errors, if there are any.

P.S. This weekend was amazing. I feel like I've overused the word "amazing." Is three times too much? (Four if you count the time I said I overused it?) I might venture out to see friends for a random lunch in a couple of weeks, but regardless, I'll have another outing next month in Staunton. I'm excited to be able to look forward to seeing friends in the not-so-distant future.
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