
Apr 10, 2012 08:29

I went on a 45-minute walk yesterday just before lunch, and my hips ached a bit. I felt more like my uterus-y area was hurting than my hips themselves. I'd just say my uterus hurt, but I mean where one would normally be and not how it is now (because it's huge right now... right? I don't know much about science and anatomy, but he's like 7-8 pounds and nearly two feet long... my uterus didn't start out that way). I told myself I'd do afternoon walks as well, but I opted against it because I wanted to walk with AJ for one, and my sandals were starting to give me blisters on my feet. They're the only pair of shoes I have right now that fit comfortably though. AJ says I should wear sneakers, but they envelop my feet, and I need to bend to tie or Velcro them. Bending is not fun these days.

And for some TMI, I think I may have reached one of those final milestones in pregnancy with having that mucous plug unplugging itself. I think. I have no idea, other than it was not pee. I suppose I can ask the doctor when I get there in an hour or so, "So, uh, if it looks like my land down under sneezed, does that mean that the mucous plug did its thing?" I get so weird just saying "VAGINA!" so I like to talk around it. A few weeks back, I needed to take that beta strep test, and the Doctor #3 asked me if I knew what that entailed. "You stick a Q-Tip up my stuffs." He didn't quite know what to say to that, so he paused and laughed until he could formulate a professional response. That reminds me, he never told me the results! Who swabs your junk and then doesn't tell you you're fine? I assume I am, or else I'd need to be on some antibiotics, but I can ask about that today too.

We're almost finished with thank-you cards. We've been sending them out in phases because we didn't have all of the addresses but wanted to send out ones we could (With some people, I already knew their addresses but just needed to Google their zip codes. When you search for directions to friends' houses oodles of times, street names and house numbers stick pretty well.). Phase 2 will be mailed out today. We're now down to the last few for Phase 3. I know that two for AJ's cousins actually go to one of AJ's aunts, but I don't know his cousins' last names, so I don't want to mail them off just yet. The others are people who haven't gotten back to me with where they live, so I clearly can't send them...

One thank-you card will not be written until I know to whom it should be addressed. Ya see, we've been referring to our future child as a mogwai, and we'd like to call all our eventual children mogwais. We got a Gizmo in the mail yesterday with absolutely no indication as to who sent it. It came from a dachsund-lover in Kentucky, but I don't know if that's our friend or if it's just an Amazon seller that they got it from. Clearly, we know who sent it though because they knew to get us a Gizmo. I've asked on Facebook for the friend to identify himself/herself, but part of me likes the mystery. I like the idea of putting in Nathaniel's baby book that the Gizmo came from some mysterious person. Then we could make up stories about the person's identity: this masked crusader who chooses to remain anonymous while performing good deeds and giving thoughtful gifts.

Two-ish more weeks, in theory. I'm hoping sooner. AJ still wants Nathaniel born on Friday the 13th. He was rubbing my feet last night, and I started to warn him about where not to apply pressure when I remembered that the whole reason not to do so is to prevent early labor. "On second that, push under my ankles as hard as you can!" "Nope. Too early in the week."

nathaniel, week 38, thank-you cards, gizmo, mogwai, pregnancy

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