I worry far, far too much

Aug 05, 2011 06:44

Well, that went much better than anticipated. I worried so much about what everyone in the pharmacy would think when I put in my notice, and... it was nothing at all to worry about. Just like Olivia said: I gotta do what I gotta do, and they saw that. They were sad to hear the news though. I just blurted it to Bridget (the head pharmacist), who said she'd miss me. At one point in my shift, Greg said, "I'll hate you forever, Miki!" but he said it in a way that my brother Daniel would (because that's how we talk to each other, but we know how to read between the lines. It's how products of dysfunctional families operate: You talk between words.). It's a shame I hadn't made that connection between Greg's harsh joking and my brother before this week. It would have saved me a bit of stress. Just a bit though, as the bulk of the stress was the irate customers, but I s'pose that's par for the course.

So everyone said they'd miss me. Bridget did. Greg did in his own way (and later, he was saying to someone else that I "will be missed," so it was less silly). Abby pretended to be mad and lightly punched my arm a few times while I was counting tablets. John kept saying, "I'm gonna miss working with Miki." Krista was off but had stopped by and walked up to me at the drop-off station saying, "No, ma'am. You are not leaving. We just got you!" I went to Personnel to put in a transfer, and Kathy (we're friends from when I used to work in electronics) was asking why I was leaving and commenced to having a pouty lip every time I saw her throughout the workday. I didn't know how to tactfully tell Steven (another electronics homie), so during a break, I said, "Number one: I'm moving. But number two! I can make music with this snappy bottle cap. Listen." I commenced to emulating the second stage of the first level of Super Mario Bros. Not anyone can do this. But I am not just anyone.

The pharmacy is throwing me a going-away party. I'm not sure if that means that they're having a party at someone's house, or if I should anticipate pizza and cake in the pharmacy during my last shift. Regardless, they care enough to give me a celebratory send-off, which has never happened. (Unless you count our going-away party from Virginia to Maryland last year, but AJ and I threw that one ourselves, so I only half-count that. People cared enough to come and celebrate and express that they'd miss us, so that is significant and was wonderful and full of warm fuzzies. Definitely not trying to undersell that.)

To conclude, I worry entirely too much. And over the past couple of weeks of updating, I've noticed a resounding theme of how I worry about this or that. This isn't to say that I was clueless over the fact that I worry, but to the degree that I do... wow. I suppose that's something I need to work harder on fixing. Worrying is normal in general, but I could stand to care less about some things. The idea of putting in my notice caused me to awaken yesterday morning feeling nauseated, which turned into knots in my stomach... which went away when I talked to Bridget at the beginning of my shift. It's not healthy for me. Amazingly, I still feel as though I worry less now than I did ten years ago when I started using this journal, and even less during the five years I spent in college updating it. I still have a ways to go though, but as the theme of this journal tends to be: I am a work in progress. So that's nothing to be ashamed of.


I applied for a career counselor position at a college near-ish where we're moving, but I didn't make it past the screening. My point-of-contact said not to fear though because I was one of the top seven candidates (I remember her telling me they had 30 applicants, and she'd narrowed them down to nine for the screening process), so if the first set of three interviewed didn't wow them, then I could anticipate a call.. unless I was number seven? Anyway, I'm still waiting on the counseling gig at the domestic abuse agency. I didn't hear anything yesterday about a second interview, but maybe I'll hear something today. I have today off, along with next Tuesday and Friday. I'd be down with a last-minute road trip that way today because I really want this job.


Jodie might be going to Staunton!!! Assuming she can get a ride, it'll be her, Jonathan, and their baby Lili. I'm looking forward to seeing her, and I've offered to babysit Lili while she and Jonathan enjoy a play. Hopefully they won't pick Hamlet though, because that's the only one of the three that I'm pretty much set on seeing, but I've read it, so I can just read lines with the bebbeh while they're enjoying the real thing. Maybe they'll come back to hear her babble her first words months before she should be speaking, and they'll be along the lines of "verily," "thus," and "forsooth!" A girl can dream...


I cut this journal entry short so that I could run upstairs and sneak back into bed before the alarm went off (AJ was feeling a bit under the weather and decided to sleep an extra hour and then call out if he still wasn't feeling well. He's still out of it.). That way, AJ would wake up with me there versus times when he wakes up and I'm not. He's happier when I am. I'm so romantic. Anyway, I'm back, but I guess I said all I wanted to say.

job hunt, happiness, giving notice, staunton, feeling loved, jodie, pharmacy, worry less, yodie

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