Adventures in Hershey

Jul 25, 2011 14:08

Yesterday was an adventure at Hersheypark. It was all kinds of wonderful and exhausting, being 90 some-odd degrees in Pennsylvania and little opportunity to be indoors, but that's summer in an amusement park for ya. Not much to tell, I s'pose. AJ and I rode on four different rollercoasters, the thrillseekers that we are. My favorite was the Stormrunner, which was kind of AJ's least favorite, as we weren't allowed to wear our glasses, and he hurt his hip with the bouncing around that occurred. When did we get old?

We spent a few hours at Hershey's Chocolate World, going on the taste-testing adventure first. AJ and I went to this on our honeymoon, but the guy doing the presentation this time was around was far more entertaining, emulating Eddie Izzard at times. I was a bit of a wise-cracker here and there, sitting in the front with AJ and his family, but overall, I kept to myself to allow for children to raise their hands to answer questions. And in the end, we received our Master's in Chocolate Testing from Hershey's University.

We wandered the gift shops for a bit, and AJ refused to let me get a mug. I love mugs and have a huge collection. He says that 40 some-odd mugs is enough. I say there's no such thing as "enough." Besides, I donated a good 10 to 20 mugs last year when we moved. I try to have a rule with my clutter that if I haven't used something in a year, odds are, I won't miss it. My exception is if it holds sentimental value. The exception to the exception is if I've held onto said item for so long that I've forgotten why it was so sentimental (which is how a lot of stuff from high school and early college disappeared. "I know this was important to me, but I can't remember why for the life of me. I guess that means it goes to Good Will."). Anyway, AJ won that battle, and I didn't buy any mugs. But thanks to the wonders of the internet, I can always eventually win the war.

AJ's parents and brother went on a trolley ride through the town, and bought tickets to create our own candy bars and went upstairs to a dessert creation station while we waited for our turns for the candy bar area. We were provided edible paint for the paper tablecloth at our dessert station, so I made a dorky picture of a sun, sky, bad m-shaped birds, and purple flowers. And then I licked it. Ideally, I'll edit this post with photos of the day.

We made our candy bars and had to wear aprons and hairnets. AJ needed a beardnet. It was adorable. I couldn't get my bowler hat in my hairnet, so we put it in one of our souvenir bags. We still had our getups on when we ran outside in search for AJ's family, who were in the car in the pouring rain doing circles searching for us.

Later, we're off to The Outlets. AJ wants to check out deals at the bookstore, and I want to check out clothes, so that I can look swanky for my interview on Wednesday. I'm really nervous and have honestly not sufficiently prepared myself mentally for it. I know that I know my stuff, but it's been a year since I did any counseling, so I need to get my head in the game between now and Wednesday morning so that I can prove that I know what I'm talking about.

I should go, since AJ wants internet.


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