AJ's birthday and other stuff

Jul 13, 2006 22:16

I suppose I should tell you about hanging out with AJ yesterday. He turned 23, so now I'm dating an older man. ;) Poor thing has poison oak. Or ivy. Or sumac. Or whatever. I could only hold his left hand, because his right hand has blisters and ickiness on it. It's from cleaning up this brushy area his family recently purchased. AJ was cleaning out weeds and all that, and his mom said, "Nooo! That's poison [whatever it is]!" He has it sporadically on him. Some on the side of his face above his right eye, some on his right hand (like I said), a bit on his arms, some on one of his hips, and some on his legs. His legs seem to be healing pretty well, and his arms seem to be doing well also. Anyway, today, he got a new blister, and this one was on his left hand. Freaked me out. I've never had the stuff, and I don't want it. Any time when I was itchy over there, I glared at AJ.

Oh, I got him Scene It for his birthday. It's a DVD game about movie trivia. We once played it over at his friend Chewie's girlfriend Lexi's apartment, and he loved it. And he almost one the first time playing. He hadn't really mentioned it much after that, which was two springs ago, so I was hoping he still had interest in it. I forgot about it when his birthday came around last year, and I almost got it for him for Christmas, but then he got into Apples to Apples, so I got that for him instead. So I told myself he would get Scene It for his birthday. And thankfully, he liked it. And no one else had bought it for him. He told me that he almost got it for himself the other day, but he decided against it. GOOD. And he was really happy that I remembered that he liked the game after all this time. "Especially with your bad memory," he told me. I forget half the stuff I'm told these days. Or maybe I was always like that and was just really loud about all the stuff that I remembered, so it seemed like my memory was good. Ah, well.

AJ and I waded in the swimming pool they have on the patio. His parents had told him that the pool would be good for him. Then his dad joked about how it would spread to me, and it made me worry. But his dad likes joking around a lot. I told my mom about how I was in the pool with AJ, and she freaked, because she thought that it would spread. But after I told her about his dad picking on me, she said, "Well, I don't think they'd put you in danger." I looked up stuff on poison oak and all of that, and unless it really does spread through water, I'm in no danger of getting it. But every time I itch, I ponder.

I got a callback for a photography position. When I first got the call, I thought it was from Growing Family Foto up north, and I was really psyched about it. I went off to run my errands while my phone charged in the living room. I came back and replayed the message to catch the number and call them back when I heard that it wasn't Growing Family Foto but Walmart Portrait Studios somewhere in the nearby area here in NC. It suddenly seemed less appealing. And my mom concurred. I didn't call them back, but maybe my tune will change tomorrow.

I think Brandy is mad at me. She called me today to see if I wanted to go camping with her tomorrow, but I won't be able to. I was going to see AJ tomorrow, but now I'm going to the movies with Daniel and Phillip and heading out to Rocky Mount to go on vacation with AJ and his family on Saturday morning. At any rate, I couldn't make plans with Brandy. So then we talked a lot about some things with her, with her fiance, with some people she's kept in touch with, with some people she hasn't kept in touch with, and then she said she needed to get off the phone to get some sleep before her late shift at work. Then she said, "Oh, how are you?" So I tried to sum up things, seeing as how I haven't really been given a lot of opportunity to tell her how I am in who knows how long, so I tried to get it out as quickly as possible. Ya know, my plan to work and live at home to save money, still haven't found a job, looking here and up north, my mom wants me to go back to school, it's too late for me to go next month because I would've needed to apply months ago. And it was about there that Brandy starts yelling at me for not telling her that I graduated. But I told her I was graduating. She said I didn't. I said I did months ago and even told Curtis when he called me in April to see whether or not I was the Michelle Brown who died in the car accident. And we got to talking about graduation, and he said that if I had enough seats, he and Brandy would be happy to come. So naturally, I assumed that got to Brandy. I didn't have enough seats, so I couldn't invite them. Anyway, so she had no recollection of this and said, "You can't trust him to remember anything," or something like that. So she said she was fine and wasn't mad but wished she'd known sooner, so she could have given me a present, but congratulated me and rushed off the phone. As she was hanging up though, I heard her say, ". . . never tells me anything." I could go on a little rant about that, but eh. I won't. So I figured I'd ask her about that. I'm not a very confrontational person, but I called back. At first, it said she was on the other line, because I got her voice mail apologizing that she couldn't answer the call and explaining that she was on the other line, so I called back a few minutes later. She said she was kidding when she was acting angry with me over the phone. "You didn't sound like you were joking." "I was being giddy and happy and silly." I've noticed that when she lies, she speaks in a sing-song voice, as if she's just jokingly telling you a fabrication. But maybe it's a thing she does. Anyway, she did that. I kept poking at my concerns, and she admitted to being upset over not being able to see me graduate, but she said she understood that I didn't have enough seats. She still insisted she was joking with me before though. I know she wasn't. I guess I won't beat myself up over it. I didn't have room. I only had one friend come to my graduation. The rest were family and AJ, who is nearly family. So I don't feel guilty.

Oh, I downloaded a few Blue October songs a little while ago. Currently, "Calling You" is my favorite. "If you're sleeping, are you dreaming? If you're dreaming, are you dreaming of me?" Which reminds me... I had some weird dream last night. I can almost remember it. It was unsettling. AJ was there somewhere. I think something happened to him. I couldn't place it. He woke me this morning though, and I was kinda halfway in and out of the dream and then was relieved that he was there. But back to pirating, I'll eventually buy this CD of Blue October's, because they are made of awesome. I got a Death Cab for Cutie CD the other day when seeing Travis at Northgate. Think it was Monday. We had fun meandering. I'm not a big mall rat, but lately, I've enjoyed trips to the mall. Oh, back to pirating, AJ, Billy, and I watched the new Pirates movie. It was good. I don't care what I heard. We saw some of AJ's friends sitting behind us in the theater, so that was cool.

Tired of typing.

job hunt, blue october, poison sumac, poison ivy, jobs, birthday, callback, poison oak, brandy, a to the j

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