
Jul 11, 2006 22:16

Misty kinda hurt my feelings today. Last week, she and I made plans for us to hang out today. She told me she would call me about what we would be doing. She hadn't called before today, so before I went to bed last night, I sent her a text message asking if we were still on for today. She sent me a text message this morning saying that she wasn't sure because she had an eye doctor appointment but would call me "in a little bit." That was at 7:30 this morning, and she never called. I sent her a text message at 5ish saying, "You never called," and added a sad face. She texted me back about an hour later apologizing and asking if I was free tomorrow. But I'm not, because I'm going to see AJ for his birthday. And then I'm going on vacation with him and his family on Friday to the Saturday of next week. And then I'm going to Greensboro the very same day and coming back some time the day after that. And then I should have an interview with Office Team/Robert Half Technologies, Inc. some time that week in Fairfax, VA (like I told y'all earlier), which I believe is relatively close to Arlington. Anyway, I told her about AJ's birthday and the vacation, and she asked when I'd be back, and I told her I'm not sure anymore, due to everything being up in the air with jobs and all of that. So she said for me to call her, and I did. And it turned out she forgot about making plans with me. She asked if I was moving to Arlington, and I said I wasn't sure, explaining that it depends where I get a job first and all of that. She asked, "You want to get a job in Arlington, don't you?" and the way she said it was like she was disappointed. Understandably so, mind you. But I do want to move there. I explained that staying here would be nice, because I'd get to see my friends of course. Anyway, I tried to see if it was cool if we could make plans for this evening after Daniel and I got back from Walmart, but she said, "I'm already with Joey for the night. Sorry." So I'm kind of... angry? She makes me feel guilty about wanting to move. She wants to see me. But she won't see me today, which could be the last day she could see me for who knows how long, because she's spending time with her boyfriend, who she sees practically every night. For the record, if I saw AJ every day, I would postpone couple-time long enough to meet up with a friend. The only times I've ever had to choose AJ over others are because of plans that have been made way in advance (like this one time when Dorene was inviting me to a thing that was going on the following weekend, but I already made plans to go out of town to see AJ for that weekend)... or maybe when we were brand-new and were still in the getting-to-know-you part of the relationship. But even so, Misty and Joey have been together for nearly four years, not counting off again/on again stuff years before, so they're definitely out of the newness phase. I feel really hurt, let down, forgotten, and shoved aside.


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