How to Not Get Your Ass Kicked, and other tales

Apr 19, 2006 13:44

Today is a pretty good day. Not too much has happened, but that doesn't stop me from feeling good. I woke up randomly at 7:30ish this morning, and I saw that my roommate was not in her bed. In fact, she didn't even have her blanket or pillows in her bed. I figured she had gone to stay over with a friend or something. I checked my desk to see if she had left a note, and she hadn't. She didn't leave a message for me on AIM, and her away message was her usual good night message, so that left me with no clues. I just felt that I should assume she was fine. It did strike me as odd that one of her bags was in the room, when I felt she would have taken that with her. But then I thought that she could have just taken her tiny purse and put her keys in it. So I tried going back to sleep. Then I heard a beeping sound about ten minutes later. At first, I didn't know where it was coming from, but then it got louder, and I realized that it was in the room. It was an alarm, but it wasn't the alarm Gretchen normally uses, so I thought, "I guess she left her phone here." So I climbed out of bed with the intentions of locating the sound when I saw her closet door open and someone moving inside of it! So, naturally, I screamed. It was just Gretchen though... She chose to sleep in her closet last night... That made my morning.

Then I met up with my pal Chris on the way to breakfast, and we sat with Erica. And that's always fun. Erica and I walked to class and did a jig, but I can't remember why anymore.

I called AJ three times this morning during free moments of the morning. On my way to class, after Erica had left to go to Ferguson, I talked to AJ, and then Glenn snuck up from behind me! I don't see him nearly enough.

During my Black Crim class, we had speeches for those who chose the speech option for our second test. Since I had chosen the written option, I turned in my paper two days ago, so I just watched people speak. Dr Cureton told us that we'll get our grades on Friday, and he noted that everyone's papers were well-written. Not to toot my own horn, but I felt that about mine already. I feel so confident about that grade. Wonderful. After all the speeches were finished, Dr Cureton talked about our final exam, which will definitely be a speech. It sounds easy, as far as speeches go. It's about the criminal justice model. We have to explain whether we think the criminal justice model is biased (conflict theory) or looking after the well-being of society by putting away those who are a danger to others (consensus theory). We also need to tie it in with the movie Hurricane, which we will start watching on Friday. Oh, and we are to close the speech with one thing we feel enriched or took away from the experience of being enrolled in this course. He encourages us to be creative with our speeches. I was thinking I could lean towards consensus theory, and I would use a Chris Rock sketch as an example of it. There's a video that Kris sent me a while back of "How to Not Get Your Ass Kicked," which pretty much says that if you do what you're supposed to do, you won't get in trouble. Which is consensus theory. Don't be a danger to society, and you won't get locked up. And then I can say whether or not this applies to the movie. If the instances of the main character were biased or not, if they represent what I feel is the majority of the criminal justice model or not. I'm so giddy and nervous.

We got out of class fifteen minutes early, and I had been craving some coffee, so I went over to the EUC with the intentions of buying a cheap cup from the food court, as opposed to getting an expensive swanky cup over at the coffeehouse. On my way, my friend Jessica called out to me. She was sitting outside of the coffeehouse, studying Latin with a friend of hers, and she asked what I was up to. So I told her. She offered her cup of coffee to me, since she didn't want it anymore and didn't want to waste it. Rock! So I got a cup of coffee without having to pay anything at all. Wonderful. Oh, and she wanted me to punch Tim square in the face. I did it through the phone when I got to work a few minutes later.

Work has been going by rather quickly, which is always a plus. Nothing noteworthy has happened, but I still feel pretty good. I hope everyone has an awesome day. And if you're not having an awesome day, then you're due for one.

chris rock, closet cave, gretchen, chris ross, roomie, soc 390, erica

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