
Aug 23, 2005 09:17

Time for an actual entry, I guess. Classes have been going pretty well so far. I did a bad thing though and skipped my Cognitive Psych class yesterday, for no good reason in particular. But in doing so, I was able to hang out with Gretchen and Becca. Then we took a trip to the Teaching and Learning Center to rent some videos, and on the way met up with one of Gretchen's friends whose name I will never remember. I rented Strangers on a Train, a Hitchcock movie I hadn't heard of, but when I was talking about Throw Momma from the Train when I saw it on the cart of covers waiting to be shelved, Gretchen informed that it was based off of a Hitchcock movie. I didn't know that, so we looked up Hitchcock movies on the search engine and found a description that matched what we were looking for. And now, looking back, I recall a scene from the movie that Danny DeVito is watching in Throw Momma from the Train, so I guess I did know all along. Sorta. At any rate, some time this week, I'm going to sit down and watch the movie. After the TLC, the lot of us went to the EUC (so many initials...). I needed to return my SOC 517 book by yesterday in order to get a full refund, and I wanted to see if the BCN books had been replenished, which they hadn't (I later found that they had been but had already sold out once again). In the bookstore, I saw Amanda, and so all of us sat in the large hall in between the bookstore and the food court, eating sushi or just being near those who were eating it (Becca doesn't seem to like the idea of sushi). Then Amanda went to the library, and the rest of us bumped into Tim and a friend of his whose name I forget. Then we went to the atrium, where I checked my mail in hopes of finding a hefty refund check but instead only found an envelope from some teen magazine, which was immediately disposed of. None of this would have happened had I gone to class.

A lot of things happened like that yesterday. Where I noticed that I could have gone in either one of two directions, chose one, and saw what I would have missed out on had I done something else.

Lately, I've been eating lunch by myself or later in the day to avoid the large crowds. Yesterday, I debated as to whether I should eat Chick-fil-a or go to The Caf to hang out with my Guilfordian fellows. I decided on Option B, seeing as how I don't normally eat lunch with them. So while at lunch, sitting near the exit as we always do in The Caf, everyone looks past me towards the exit, and lo and behold, Carter was standing there wearing just his pants and had a towel draped over his shoulder. Obviously, he wasn't allowed inside the Caf, so he shouted, "Hey, guys! If you see Rob, tell him I need to get in the room!" And he takes his leave. Seconds later, Robert sits down, and we all laugh at the timing of it all. He left briefly and then later, Robert sits next to me, and I ask him about ResNet-related things, as I had registered my computer online for the third time, and that was last Monday. "Now I know it's not your fault, and I understand that ResNet is really busy," I have seen the lines twirl about in the atrium, "but I registered online last Monday. And now it is Monday again, and I still don't have internet." After more beating around the bush, "I don't think I've flat-out asked you, so can you help me get on the internet?"

Robert: No, you hadn't asked me before.
Me: Well, can you help me?
Robert: Possibly.
Me: I like internet. I miss internet. But then, I kind of have it, but not the way I'm supposed to. I've been using wireless in my room.
Robert: Well, then we're going to have to shut that person down, whoever has it.
I can't remember who said it: Why? What's the problem?
Robert: For the same reason she just said. It's a security risk. We have to cut that person off.
Me: Can you wait until I get internet first?

After lunch, Robert and I walked back to the dorm, and he asked about AJ and all, and then he asked if I had a class coming up. I had a 1:00 meeting with Paul about PSY 433, but I had a few minutes, so I hung out in his/Carter's room with the both of them, and we talked about crazy dreams. Fastforward to after my meeting with Paul, after the class I skipped, and after my 6:00 class. I called Travis while walking back to my dorm to find out where he was, since he and I had plans for dinner, and he was on his way. When I approached my door, I saw a note on my board in familiar handwriting that read, "You owe me. You know who this is." I only had one guess, and if I was wrong, then I'd be in the dark about it. So I connected my ethernet cable to my laptop and disconnected my wireless and saw that I still had internet. So I wrote a big happy face under Robert's note. That would not have happened if I had not gone to The Caf for lunch.

Robert showed up at my door shortly after I came back from class. He was trying to sneak up on me, but I saw him, since I was about to close the door when he jarted in. He checked on what wireless networks I was picking up while I was getting ready to meet Travis for dinner, and I asked, "Are you going to carry the laptop around the dorm to see if the signal gets stronger?" "That would be amusing." So we wandered about the dorm, playing a game of Hot and Cold (or maybe Kemp's labeling of it as Marco Polo is better), refreshing the window every so often to see if the signal gained any strength as we roamed about the dorm. It turns out that the signal isn't even coming from the dorm. We began venturing towards Mary Foust, and Robert followed Jen's brother Jim inside while I stayed outside briefly, as Travis had arrived at this point. So then I knocked on the front door of Mary Foust and retrieved my laptop, ran it up to my room, and met up with Travis, who was parked outside the high rises waiting for me. We ended up going to Manhattan Pizza and Subs for dinner, and then we parked down Walker past El Carreton and walked to Tate Street Coffee, where Travis wanted a cookie. I decided to buy a huge cookie. Then I thought of buying two, one for Robert for hooking up my internet. I did not realize that they were a buck-fifty each, but I bought them.

Travis and I parted ways, and then I found Robert playing Mario Kart 64 with Marshall and this girl Erica in Jen and Margaret's room. Robert was happy to receive a cookie. I stayed in the room for about half an hour, watching the game and goofing off with Joe, quoting Ed Edd n Eddy and other enlightening television shows.

And that was my day - yesterday, more or less. I don't have much to say about today, as I've only been awake for three hours, and two of them have been spent in this computer lab. More on today when today is over.

internet, resnet, water witches, forks, shirtless carter, cognitive psych, robert, travis

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