Jul 25, 2004 18:52
I have come to the conclusion (as I am sure that all of you have too...) that I am a completley strange litte child...
I actually like working Sundays...yes even though I get my happy ass out of bed at 5:15 on Sunday I still like it...
several reasons why:
1. There are no customers in the store until like 10 something so I dont have to be interupted continuously for "where is your bathroom? (upstairs by the electronics department conincidently)
2. I stay busy for the full time... I mean the FULL time...Judy and I worked Home Fashions and did not break the entire almost 9 hrs with the exception when Sherwood MADE us go to lunch at 1...
3. I work independantly with the bonus of another person working another section of the department so if i have questions they are on hand to ask...
4. and the final reason that I like working sundays...well at least why I liked working this sunday...I got to be startled to the point of almost falling on the ground in shock when Sean came by in "normal" clothes...I didnt recognize him without his black polo khaki slacks and mulitude of equipment on his belt (yesterday he had a SNC scanner thingy, a printer for the SNC, a cell phone a walkie talkie and some equipment to put up signs attactched to his belt...it made me laugh) he looked so much younger and.....heh heh nice...I had to wipe my drool away and had to keep tearing my eyes away from him when he talked to me...
I wasnt going to gush about him today...but when I saw him today...man...any ideas on how to get rid of a crush before I actually begin to REALLY like him?...I am taking any suggestions... sigh ...stupid conflict of intrest policy (ha like i had any hope to begin with...)