
Nov 27, 2005 19:35

1 Take the lyrics to a favorite song.

2 Go to Google Language Tools and translate the lyrics into German; then from German to French; and finally from French back into English.

3 Post the results verbatim.

4 Invite your friends to guess the song based on the newly mangled lyrics

Here, its D thing coldly let us begin we it of the friend his, but the his all yeah, yeah, since you will be engaged, you pretend it last D time its me do not call a long time you well yeah, yeah, since you will be and all become it indeed to intend me to say to you it is necessary as me to represent me to you who become being to intend all you me indeed to say however to be to you to go me can breathe for the first time me to be if movin ' above, yeah yeah to thank you, me of maintenance what I now wish to be to you go like being able me to place him, you place me me fall above even for that stupidly as it comes me would hear you never precisely to say me, with you assumption that you believe never thus, since it be me me first mark to breathe to be able, movin ' are however gone ' thus ' above, yeah yeah thanks you, now that receives me, receives me that me, since suited him you them probability of having, ' would like ' you to be roasted him of sight, of entendement wish which cannot be to it your opening, me is closed to always take still since you gone (him) me for the first time precisely breathes itself and again can went if movin ' above for the first time, am if movin ' above, thanks yeah yeah with you wishes (thanks him) I breathe you of maintenance (I receive) would have know now that (to have to him to know) that I receive myself, you receive what I wish gone gone gone since you since you since you
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